Math Becomes Magic With New 'Dungeons & Dragons' Wizard Subclass

A new Dungeons & Dragons subclass challenges wizards to convert their spellbooks into geometric [...]

A new Dungeons & Dragons subclass challenges wizards to convert their spellbooks into geometric maps.

Wizards are one of the more complex classes in Dungeons & Dragons, in part because of their limitless potential for customization. In addition to gaining spell slots and new spells at every level, wizards can also copy new spells to their spellbooks, giving them access to even more abilities as time goes on. Spellbooks are the core of what makes wizards tick in Dungeons & Dragons, but a new third-party subclass is challenging wizards to do even more with their spell list.

Earlier this week, Imgoen Gingell released a new "School of Geometry" subclass on the DMs Guild, a website co-owned by Dungeons & Dragons that serves as a marketplace for licensed third-party content. A Geometry Wizard (or a Geometer) uses their spell list to craft a complex spell map, which can be used to enhance and modify their spells. A spell map is made by drawing nodes representing each spell in a wizard's spellbook and then connecting them using straight lines using certain rules. All spells of the same level need to be connected with straight lines. Spells that are of the same school (such as necromancy or evocation) must also be connected if they are either one level higher or one level lower. Lines can't intersect, except through spell nodes.'

The point of creating a spell map is to create both closed loops between spell loops and terminals -- spells that are only linked to a single spell. As a geometer grows in power, their spells grow in power based on how their spell map is shaped. For example, at Level 2, each terminal allows a wizard to deal an extra point of damage with their cantrips and get a +1 bonus to Initiative with each closed loop on their map.

At higher levels, wizards can shift around saving throw requirements or type of damage based on what spells are linked to each other on their spell maps. For example, if Fireball and Phantasmal Killer are in a closed loop, a geometer can change a Fireball's damage type from fire to psychic damage, or they can force opponents to make a Wisdom saving throw instead of a Dexterity saving throw. Players can eventually use their spell map to choose not to expend a spell slot if they meet certain conditions determined by the position of that spell on the map in conjunction with previous spells cast that day.

The School of Geometry is a complex subclass, but an interesting one, especially for those who look at class builds as puzzles to be solved for greater optimization. The spell maps themselves remind me a little of a branching feat tree, albeit one created by the wizard and used to customize their spells in unique ways.

If you enjoy puzzles, challenges, and magic, you may want to become a Geometer. The "School of Geometry" supplement is available for purchase on the DMs Guild, with a recommended purchase price of $1.00.