
‘Dungeons & Dragons’ Supplement Adds New Patrons, Options for Warlocks

A new Dungeons & Dragons supplement has added new patrons, invocations, and other abilities to […]

A new Dungeons & Dragons supplement has added new patrons, invocations, and other abilities to help give your warlock more flavor.

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The warlock is one of the more popular class options in Dungeons & Dragons‘ Fifth Edition ruleset, mostly due to irresistible blend of powerful magic and tragic backstory. A warlock gains their arcane ability by making a pact with a powerful magic patron, giving them an instant backstory and room for character growth. Although a warlock can’t cast as many spells as a wizard or sorcerer, they always cast spells at their highest level and have access to Eldritch Blast, arguably the most powerful cantrip in Dungeons & Dragons.

To help warlock players have even more options, Alex Clippinger recently released Tome of the Pact, a new 47-page supplement for Dungeons & Dragons. The publication adds three new patrons, 24 new invocations that add abilities and spells to a warlock’s arsenal, and provides optional alternative class features to help a player’s warlock feel more unique and interesting.

Tome of the Pact adds storm giants, creatures of Limbo, and inhabitants of Mechanus as potential patrons for use. Each of these new patrons come with their own abilities in line with their patron’s nature. The order-driven warlock of Mechanus can automatically use the average damage roll when casting cantrips, while a patron of Limbo adds random effects to certain spells and features. Meanwhile, warlocks with a Storm Giant as a patron gain access to a variety of precognitive spells and the ability to potentially gain resistance on attacks made against them due to their ability to see into the future.

Each of the existing patrons are also covered in Tome of the Pact, with descriptions of specific patrons and their underlings. Some specific patrons also come with alternative features that can be swapped out with a warlock’s standard abilities. I also liked how each Patron comes with multiple d4 charts designed to give a warlock aesthetic qualities and marks specific to their patron. For instance, a Great Old One Patron might imbue a Warlock with a fishlike odor, while a Fiend patron might curse their warlock with insects that fly out of their mouth whenever they cast spells.

Tome of the Pact is a great supplement for D&D, especially for those players who want to make their warlock stand out or for DMs who want to delve into their Warlock’s backstory. The supplement is available on DMs Guild, a website partnered with Wizards of the Coast to allow third party creators to use D&D properties when creating content. You can purchase Tome of the Pact for $4.95.