How to Duplicate Remembrances in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

Yes, you can duplicate your Remembrances in Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.

Shadow of the Erdtree has tons of bosses for Elden Ring players to face, and several of those bosses offer Remembrances just like major bosses did in the main game. This means that players can cash in those Remembrances in order to claim boss weapons, Sorceries, and Incantations, but just as was the case in the base game, you can only use a Remembrance once before it's gone. Thankfully, you can duplicate these DLC Remembrances through Walking Mausoleums back in the Lands Between, and if you've exhausted all of those already before you even got to the DLC, there are several more chances to duplicate Remembrances in Shadow of the Erdtree's Realm of Shadow, too.

These new sites to duplicate Remembrances in Shadow of the Erdtree aren't found in Walking Mausoleums, though they are all housed in similar-looking areas to keep with a theme. If you're holding out on using a Remembrance out of indecisiveness on which item you should pick, visit these three duplications sites below so that you can get the best of both options out of a DLC Remembrance. Be warned that you can only get one of each weapon, Sorcery, or Incantation per playthrough, however, so if you're duplicating a boss Remembrance in hopes of getting two of the same weapon, you'll have to wait until a NG+ run to redeem the Remembrance for the item you've already gotten.

Duplicate Remembrance Site at Cathedral Of Manus Metyr


The Remembrance duplication site near the Cathedral of Manus Metyr in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree.


The first site to duplicate Remembrances in Shadow of the Erdtree is also near the place that'll set you on your journey to find the other two sites that we've located. You'll need to have first made it to the Cathedral of Manus Metyr which is the tall building surrounded by water over to the east. To get there, you need to head through Moorth Ruins and down a tunnel to access the Bonny Village location. From there, head north up the road until you can loop around to access the Cathedral of Manus Metyr. While you're on your way, be sure to grab a free Larval Tear near the Bonny Village.

Once you're there, head to the location marked on the map above to find a coffin. These coffins should look familiar as they're the exact same ones that reside inside of the Walking Mausoleums in the Lands Between. Simply walk up to it and activate it and you'll be able to duplicate any Remembrance in the game that you've already acquired.

Duplicate Remembrances at the Finger Ruins of Rhia


The Remembrance duplication site near the Finger Ruins of Rhia in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree.  


After you've visited the Cathedral of Manus Metyr and talked to its mysterious inhabitant, you'll be tasked with locating different Finger Ruins locations. One of those lies in the southern portion of the map and is reached by following the river down to the Cerulean Coast and then following that southern coastline until you find yourself in the area that's very clearly a ruin of fingers.

Once there, head to the location marked above that's next to the Finger Ruins of Rhia, and you'll find the second site to duplicate Remembrances in Shadow of the Erdtree. This particular site is a bit more of a trek than the one at the cathedral and is home to some particularly annoying spellcasting enemies, so try to avoid them if you can if you're just here for a quick duplication.

Duplicate Remembrances at the Finger Ruins of Dheo


The Remembrance duplication site near the Finger Ruins of Dheo in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree.    


The final site to duplicate Remembrances that I've found in Shadow of the Erdtree is at yet another Finger Ruins site called the Finger Ruins of Dheo. The only way you can access this area is by traveling through the Hinterland region first which is its own trek, but we've fortunately got a guide for getting there, too.

Once you've progressed through the Hinterland and have seen the very noticeable shift into Finger Ruins territory, head up to the north instead of following the map down to the center of the Finger Ruins of Dheo. Up on the northeast cliffsides near some Fingercreepers both big and small, you'll see another coffin there. The location of this final site is marked on the map above.

It's possible that there are more places where players can duplicate Remembrances in Shadow of the Erdtree, but it's likely these are the only three sites given that they're all connected to the Finger Ruins and that there are but three Finger Ruins to visit. If we find more, we'll be sure to update this list.