Epic Games Store Users May Have Figured Out the Next Free Game

Epic Games' next free game hasn't yet been revealed and won't be known until Thursday, but based on some clues Epic Games has already shared, those who frequent the store to claim their free games may have already figured out what's being given away next. Based on the one teaser that's been shared, it seems like the next game might be Midnight Ghost Hunt, the ghost-hunting game that's been in early access for a bit over a year now and is only on the PC platform. That's the working assumption right now anyway, but we'll know for sure tomorrow around 8 a.m. PT what the next free Epic game is. 

The teaser in question was shared on the Epic Games Store socials and features a quick video containing several different icons that you'll have to pause it for if you want to look at them closely. Some of those icons are a bit harder to assign to parts of Midnight Ghost Hunt than others, but the ones that are easier to decipher offer a pretty clear idea of what the game will be.

We see an icon that looks like the spectrophone that ghost hunters use when tracking the ghosts, for example, which can also be seen in-game in the screenshot further down. Other notable teases include an image of a radar device which is used to track the general direction of a ghost in Midnight Ghost Hunt. The most telling tease, however, is a clock that's about to strike midnight which is when chaos breaks loose in the game and the ghosts are able to go on the offensive. A Reddit user compiled an all-in-one image showing these teasers in case you want to look at them closer.

That's pretty quick deciphering by Epic Games Store users in a short amount of time, and even though there have been some grumblings about whether or not Midnight Ghost Hunt deserves to be a Mystery Game (Mystery Games are typically elevated versions of Epic Games' weekly freebies and are frequently AAA games), Midnight Ghost Hunt is a worthwhile purchase on its own and certainly makes sense as a free giveaway. It's a 4v4 game where four people play as the ghosts and four as the hunters, so already you can have a full team of four if you've got other people willing to download a free game with you. It just got dedicated servers back at the end of March alongside more content as Coffee Stain Publishing and Vaulted Sky Games celebrated the game's one-year anniversary, so even if you tried it before and weren't a fan, it's worth revisiting now either solo or with a full team.


Epic Games should reveal the next free Mystery Game on Thursday around 8 a.m. PT, so be sure to check back then to see if this next free Epic game is really Midnight Ghost Hunt or if players will be surprised with something else entirely.