
Fallout 76 Reveals 2022 Roadmap


Fallout 76’s developers said not long ago that the game would soon get its content roadmap for this year, and this week, the creators delivered on that promise. A roadmap revealed on Monday planned out releases from now until the end of the year with different features and releases planned for each season of the year. In-game seasons will of course take place during these timeframes as well along with features both announced and totally new.

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That roadmap is seen below for those who’ve been waiting to see what Bethesda has planned for Fallout 76. The first season that’s coming soon will introduce players to the live release of Invaders from Beyond, the alien-themed release full of events, new weaponry, and more. That content has already been testable on the game’s test servers for some time now and will continue to be playable there until the update heads to the live servers.

As Fallout 76 players might’ve come to expect by now, some of the plans for this year will continue to pull from some of the most well-liked parts of the Fallout universe. Part of that is shown through the Fall 2022 plans which include a new Expedition to “The Pitt,” the grungy, industrial region located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Pitt was an add-on for Fallout 3 and allowed players to visit that location many years ago with unique weapons found there like the saw shown in the image above.

The year will conclude with “Nuka-World on Tour,” an event which looks to relate to a traveling performance centered around Nuka-Cola and Nuka-World, the always present fizzy drink of Fallout’s wastelands. Throughout that season and all the others, you’ll see new rewards, public events, and more go live.

While this content roadmap looks at the broad picture of Fallout 76 in 2022, there’s also a community calendar to pay attention to as well. This calendar shows the different weekend events that give players bonus resources and other incentives to play with a new calendar revealed every so often as the older one expires.

Fallout 76’s Invaders from Beyond update will arrive on March 1st, so expect to get acquainted with that content and more while you wait on everything else shown in the roadmap to arrive later this year.