'Fallout 76' Beta Players Need a New Character to Get Every Trophy or Achievement

Fallout 76 beta players had most of their progress carry over from the test, but they’ll still [...]

Fallout 76 beta players had most of their progress carry over from the test, but they'll still have to start a second character if they want to get some of the early-game trophies and achievements to complete the list.

Bethesda's Pete Hines took to Twitter to clarify how progress made on trophies and achievements in Fallout 76 will work as players bring their characters over from the beta to the full game. Hines said any quest-related achievements or trophies such as leaving Vault 76 would require players to create a new character, but the challenges with recurring opportunities like building a C.A.M.P. or crafting weapons should still be completable.

Fallout 76's trophy list was revealed not long ago to preview all the challenges players will have to complete to get the coveted Platinum trophy and the Xbox One equivalent, several of those tasks being ones that beta players have likely already completed. Assuming that a beta player at least left the starting vault and journeyed into the West Virginia setting, the "Reclamation Day!" trophy and achievement will require a second character. Depending on how far players got into the beta and how many quests they completed, there could be more trophies ad achievements they'll have to acquire by investing time into a new character.

The topic of achievement and trophy progress carrying over into the full game was addressed back in October, though there was some ambiguity in the message. Most players would've probably expected that achievements and trophies wouldn't be unlockable until the game released, but the message could've led some to believe the achievements simply wouldn't be unlocked until the full game launched with beta progress accumulating to grant them the awards when the game released.

"Bethesda's current plan is that the progress you make in the Fallout 76 B.E.T.A. will carry over to the final game," Bethesda's article said. However, any achievements you earn progress toward during the B.E.T.A. will not unlock until the final game releases on November 14.

Fallout 76 has gone live ahead of its release schedule for some people, but those who can't play yet will have to wait for the full release before they either continue with their main character or start over to make up some lost ground on achievements and trophies.

Fallout 76 is scheduled to release for everyone on November 14th.