Fortnite Dino Outfit and Pickaxe Back in the Spotlight, Guided Missile Launcher Coming Soon

Get your 'party animal' on, because it's not too late to customize your toon in the world of [...]


Get your "party animal" on, because it's not too late to customize your toon in the world of Fortnite and it's really hard to take this seriously ... but that's the best time to strike (or snipe). In addition to the newly featured duds, a Guided Missile Launcher is also confirmed to be on the way ... though we don't have a specific date yet. But first ... dinos!

The Rex outfit and Party Animal Pickaxe are both now available in the game's shop to "do the creep" while fighting it out for that Victory Royale. Plus, that pickaxe ... that pickaxe is glorious! Now these items aren't brand new, but they are being featured this week as the cosmetic item to get! It's super easy to find, it's on the featured items list as well in the usual store. Interested in harnessing your inner Reptar? You can scoop the featured items right here.

Epic Games is constantly bringing new ways to enjoy the game whether that's hilarious skins like the one above, or with increasing that weapons arsenal with impressive new additions. Though we're still waiting on that promised jetpack update, in the meantime we at least know that something cooler is on the way (looking at you, poor hunting rifle substitute).


"Remote control destruction from above," reads the description with that ever illusive "coming soon." Noting the golden background on the weapon itself, it looks like the Guided Missile Launcher will be another legendary item. Other than that, however, not much else is known.

Fortnite is available now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, and iOS devices.

If Epic gets a little bored and in need of inspiration, all they'd really have to do is take a little looksie Reddit and we're laughing a little harder than we should at some of these designs like 'The Dude' and 'V for Vendetta' fan concepts. We could totally see the clever weapon names in the game, that cheekiness is real and we love it. Could you imagine getting headshot from The Dude in a bush? The joke writes itself, really.

The Sneaky Bros, the creators behind the designs seen here, have done similar work in the past with fan designs for Fortnite. They've created Terminator and Breaking Bad concept in the past, and amazingly so as well! With John Wick having officially dropped, this does pose an interesting question of what we'd like to see come in future updates. Would you want The Dude? Maybe a Star Wars inspired look? The possibilities of fandom are endless.

Of course before we get too excited we do have to keep in mind licensing constraints. The above fan artwork isn't official and it's not (to our knowledge) coming to the game anytime soon. It's all in good fun. Now if Epic Games could get those licenses ... we're just saying, we'd be here for it.