Fortnite Cosplayer Absolutely Nailed This Brite Bomber Cosplay

We love sharing all of the amazing creations gamers come up with in the world of cosplay. It's a [...]

We love sharing all of the amazing creations gamers come up with in the world of cosplay. It's a phenomenal way for fans to show their love for some of the most amazing games out there while also showing off of their stone and creative flare. With Fortnite being such a record-breaking game, it's only natural that the cosplay community would gravitate to that — especially with all of the wild skins the online title has to offer. In this instance, the Brite Bomber skin really comes to life with this incredible cosplay from CleighCreations.

I've been following this particular cosplayer for awhile now because she really has an incredible range of characters she portrays. From Resident Evil, to Mass Effect, nothing is off limits for this creator. But in this instance, she wants that Victory Royale and we think she deserves it:

And one more ... just for comparison's sake:

Pretty awesome, right? Personally, I love the first shot. Since Battle Royale is all about staying on the move, the dynamic shot really gives that in-game feel! You can check out even more of her amazing creations right here on her Instagram. Tell her ComicBook says hello!

The latest update is now live on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Nintendo Switch, and iOS devices. Interested in what else is new? Check out the full patch notes right here. Don't forget to also tune it into our Fortnite Community Hub right here to stay in the know.