
Fortnite Is Officially Adding Indiana Jones in Season 3


After leaks emerged early in April suggesting that Indiana Jones would be coming to Fortnite, Epic Games has today confirmed the character’s addition to the battle royale title with the release of Chapter 3 Season 3. Indy marks the first time that a character portrayed by actor Harrison Ford has landed in Fortnite, which is a rather big deal given that fans have been requesting both Indiana Jones and Han Solo for quite some time. And while the addition of Indiana Jones is a big one, the character still hasn’t shown up in Fortnite properly just yet. 

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Detailed on Epic’s website today, it was confirmed that Indiana Jones will be an unlockable skin in Fortnite at some point later on in Chapter 3 Season 3. As such, this means that you can’t play as him in the game right this moment. Furthermore, Indiana Jones will also be a skin that is unlocked via the battle pass for Season 3. So if you want to start making progress in that pass right now, you can buy it and begin doing so at this point in time.

Despite not releasing until a later date, Epic Games has already shown us what Indy will look like in Fortnite. As seen in the trailer above, Indiana Jones features the same likeness as Harrison Ford and can be seen slingshotting through a temple-like structure. He also happens to be getting chased by one of the returning Ballers vehicles in this video, which is a clear callback to the opening sequence of Raiders of the Lost Ark

Whenever Indiana Jones becomes officially unlockable in Fortnite, we’ll be sure to let you know. Until then, be sure to keep up with all of our future coverage of the game right here on

Are you going to look to purchase the new battle pass in Fortnite Season 3 so that you’ll be able to play as Indiana Jones for yourself? And is this your favorite addition to Fortnite that has been made so far? Let me know your own reaction either down in the comments or message me on Twitter at @MooreMan12.