
‘Fortnite’ Live Festival Shuts Down After Epic Games Pursues Legal Action

A company by the name of Exciting Events Limited recently held a Fortnite Live festival, and it […]

A company by the name of Exciting Events Limited recently held a Fortnite Live festival, and it may not have ended as planned. Just after the first of three days that the event was supposed to be held, Epic Games stepped in and announced that they would be pursuing legal action.

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According to Eurogamer, Exciting Events intended on carrying out the remaining two days of the Fortnite Live Norwich festival, but Epic’s response has now put a stop to that. Head of Exciting Events Shaun Lord said, “In response to the media frenzy, Epic Games… have now forced the shut down of the two pre-booked Fortnite Live events, with the immediate removal of all promotional communication from the public domain.”

“These proceedings by Epic Games has had a catastrophic impact on the company’s ability to trade, which has forced Exciting Events Limited to cease all trading activities immediately and the director of Exciting Events will now seek to limit the losses to third parties as far as possible,” Lord continued.

In a statement released by Epic Games, a spokesperson said, “The quality of our player experience is incredibly important to us, whether it’s inside the game or at official public events like last year’s Fortnite Pro-Am. Epic Games was not in any way associated with the event that took place in Norwich and we’ve issued a claim against the organisers in the High Court of London.”

Those in attendance at the festival, however, were none too pleased. The attractions apparently were not that great, the price of admission was rather high, and some folks even received refunds on the day of the event. The festival itself had unlicensed logos, characters, and more all over the place, but reportedly had not much to actually do with Fortnite.

It’s unknown at this time if Epic has any plans to continue with a lawsuit now that the festival has completely been shut down, but by the sound of things, attendees weren’t really excited about the event to begin with.

What do you think about this? Do you believe Epic Games will move forward with a lawsuit? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!