
Fortnite Considering Adding Monthly Subscription

It would appear that Fortnite developer Epic Games is toying with the idea of adding some kind of […]

It would appear that Fortnite developer Epic Games is toying with the idea of adding some kind of monthly paid subscription to the popular video game. A recent survey that the company sent out to players appears to gauge interest in the idea of adding some kind of monthly subscription up to as high as $18.99 that includes skins, V-Bucks, and more.

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This would seemingly be an optional sort of thing in the same way that everyone can technically just play the game for free already, but there’s a Battle Pass. Monthly subscriptions for these kinds of free-to-play video games aren’t exactly new, but Fortnite adopting one would be a big change in the overall ecosystem. As this seems to just be gauging interest at this point, there’s no telling if it will ever actually come to fruition.

You can check out what the survey in question looks like in part below:

Fortnite is currently available on most major platforms, but the iOS version, specifically, has hit a snag after Epic Games intentionally set off a chain of events that caused it to be removed from the App Store. The legal fight over that decision is ongoing, but the short version is: nobody’s playing Chapter 2 – Season 4 on an iPhone right now. Fortnite Chapter 2 – Season 4 is currently ongoing on the other platforms, however. You can check out all of our previous coverage of Fortnite right here.

What do you think of the possibility that Fortnite could get a monthly subscription plan? Have you been playing during the latest season? Let us know in the comments, or feel free to hit me up directly over on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk about all things gaming!
