
Fortnite Next Update Goes Live Tomorrow With New Mode

The next content update for Epic Games’ Fortnite is set to go live tomorrow on April 19th at 4 AM […]

The next content update for Epic Games’ Fortnite is set to go live tomorrow on April 19th at 4 AM EST. This confirmation comes straight from the developer’s Twitter account, and gives us a set time for when we can expect both the new mode that has seen several delays, and the LMG weapon.

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We don’t have full patch notes yet, those will be available when the patch goes live, though we do know from earlier today that it will include the 50v50 Battle Royale mode in addition to the Light Machine Gun.

Since their last update resulted in almost a 30 hour blackout period, even calling for a complete server takedown, we’re hoping the latest version will be met with more stability for the team’s sake. We’re looking forward to seeing more about the comet, as well, since more and more meteors are being spotting in-game furthering those Tilted Towers destruction rumors!

For more about the game mode itself and how it’s different from its first debut, check out their full notes on the 50v50 adventures below:

Limited Time Mode: 50V50 v2

  • Two teams of 50 fight to the finish!
    • Due to this being a “large squad” mode, Profile Stats will not be tracked. Daily & Weekly challenges will still work, with the exception of the Squad-based challenges (‘Place Top 6 in Squads’, etc.).
  • Storm & Map
    • Each team has a bus, approaching the island from opposite directions. On the map, the friendly bus has a blue outline, enemy has red.
    • Final storm circle visible on minimap at start.
    • Players have 10 minutes to loot the map as the storm closes in on the circle, then 5 minutes to fight, and another 5 minutes as the storm shrinks to the end.
    • Supply drops come in batches of 3-6, fall every two minutes, and only land in the final storm circle.
    • Added dotted line to map, which indicates the “battle lines” between the two teams. Crossing the line will make running into enemies more likely.
  • Loot
    • Farming resources increased 75% over default.
    • Increased floor loot spawn likelihood by 15%.
    • Floor Loot spawns double ammo.
    • Ammo boxes spawn triple ammo.
    • Chests spawn double ammo & consumables.
    • Supply drops spawn double ammo, and an extra consumable, resource drop and trap.

You can even read more about those surprise meteors from our earlier coverage right here!