
‘Fortnite’ Vaults the Boom Box

A new update is here for Fortnite and while Epic Games has given the gift of bottle rockets and […]

A new update is here for Fortnite and while Epic Games has given the gift of bottle rockets and environmental campfires, that doesn’t mean something didn’t get put into the vault. Luckily, this time it was just one item: The Boom Box.

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For those that didn’t have a chance to check out the Boom Box item before it was vaulted, it was an Epic explosive weapon that plays music when thrown. That music emits a powerful blast that deals a ton of damage to structures and apparently Zombies. But don’t worry, it didn’t actually do anything to other players — but if that player had sweet building skills? The Boom Box was a total game changer. At least it was before it was vaulted.

But, as mentioned, the latest patch was less about taking away. To see what else is new, and different, with Fortnite’s weapon and items system, check out the patch notes below:

  • Bottle Rockets
    • A thrown item that launches a barrage of bottle rockets to the toward the targeted direction.
    • Rarity: Uncommon
    • Found from Floor Loot, Chests, Vending Machines, Supply Llamas, and Supply Drops.
    • Drops in stacks of 2.
    • Max stack size of 6.
    • Fires 45 rockets of varying speeds randomly within a cone over roughly 9 seconds.
    • Deals 10 player and 40 environmental damage per explosion.
    • Max 2 active per player.
  • Environmental Campfires
    • Campfire props in the world can now be lit by interacting with them.
    • Behaves like the Cozy Campfire, healing 2 health per second for 25 seconds to all nearby players.
    • Each campfire can only be used once per match.
    • You can tell if a campfire has been used by whether or not you can still see wood in it.
  • Vaulted
    • BoomBox
  • Reduced the chance of receiving rocket ammo out of ammo boxes from 12% to 6%.
  • Increased the impulse strength of the Launchpad by 28.5%.
  • Reduced the chance to receive Dynamite from Chests from 7% to 5.33%.
  • Sneaky Snowman will no longer drop from Chests.
  • Chiller Grenade
    • Lowered the volume of the beep.

As for the game itself, Fortnite is available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android devices.

What do you think about the latest additions to the popular title? What do you hope to see next in future updates? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy.