GameStop released both a PS5 restock and an Xbox Series X restock this morning, giving both PlayStation and Xbox fans an opportunity to buy each of the hard-to-get consoles. At the moment of publishing, the Xbox Series X restock is still available in a limited capacity, but the PS5 stock is completely sold out and there’s no word of when the next restock will be available.
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That said, while many Xbox customers are finally copping the Xbox Series X, it looks like many came up short trying to buy the PS5. Like GameStop‘s previous restocks, this latest was online-only and limited to bundles. In other words, there was no option to buy either model of the console for $400 and $500. Rather, PlayStation fans had to spend extra to buy bundles with additives like controllers and games.
Locking stock behind bundles has its obvious perks for GameStop, but it’s also supposed to limit the activity of scalpers. That said, while it’s possible it achieved this, it didn’t stop the stock from selling out in minutes. And within these few minutes were plenty of website issues.
In the tweet announcing the stock being sold, GameStop customers are irate and taking the retailer to task over all of the issues and grievances mentioned above.
What a Joke
What’s the issue, you don’t want our money? And then you ban those who are legit trying to get a ps5 just because they refresh too many times? What a joke
— Terry (@Treykings91) April 6, 2021
It’s impossible to purchase a console on your site. Been trying since last year. This is ridiculous
— Federico Cuinas (@fredcuinas) April 6, 2021
A Real Struggle
This really is a struggle to get one. I went through several captchas to prove I’m not a robot and nothing.
— Tanya Hatton (@theMinisterTH) April 6, 2021
Three Consoles Sold
Y’all dropped 3 consoles and callled it a day?
— ye (@WheefoTootho) April 6, 2021
Just Three Minutes
They were sold out 3 minutes after they went live you don’t need to post they’re sold out an hour later
— DM3 (@dalemartin156) April 6, 2021
Fell to the Final Boss
Literally about to place my order after getting through everything(pre-saved info). But then I get an error message, and my cart gets cleared out… the biggest L I’ve ever been handed.
(@Juanit0Amig0) April 6, 2021
Broken Website
Yea the website sucks
— A kid From Da 80s (@maddenhead) April 6, 2021
Had notifications on went on your site immediately and yet still wouldn’t let me add to cart…said add to cart but wouldn’t add to cart!!! This crap is total BS!!!!!
— Sue Ellen Boehler (@BoehlerSue) April 6, 2021
Helping the Scalpers
“ friendly heads up “ bots can’t walk in GameStop .. release in stores .. yall help the scalpers out by online only releases
— RichBlaKk_IMG (@Img_richblakk) April 6, 2021
How Is Still Happening?
I still cannot believe this is still a thing. Who is to blame now? Is it Sony or the retailers. Or the system that allows scalpers to buy as many as they want. If Sony would send all inventory to brick stores everyone that wants one would have one but demand would be gone.
— MK (@mkthebearded) April 6, 2021