Gearbox Teases 'Bulletstorm' News For PAX East

Gearbox Software has been on a roll lately when it comes to teasing their fans. With PAX East just [...]

Gearbox Software has been on a roll lately when it comes to teasing their fans. With PAX East just around the corner, the company has been releasing teases on a near-daily basis, with each revolving around either one of their beloved franchises or mysterious and unknown games. That said, the devs have released yet another tease ahead of the event, only this time, it is abundantly clear which title they are referring to, and it just so happens to be the Epic Games-created action adventure shoot-em-up Bulletstorm as well as Duke Nukem himself.

As many of you likely know, Gearbox Publishing teamed up with People Can Fly to make Bulletstorm: Full Clip edition, which is considered to be the definitive version of the FPS. That said, the tease could very well be pointing to a Nintendo Switch port of the game, which would surely please many fans.

Needless to say, fans have theories about what Gearbox might be up to. Then again, the overall consensus is that of joy and excitement:

Gearbox is set to take the PAX East stage on March 28th, and it's looking like they will not be short on things to discuss. As for what else has been teased so far, you can check out the rundown right here. In any case, gamers are likely going to be spoiled with glorious news next week, and we are beyond ready. Bring on the hype!

What do you think about all of this? Is Gearbox planning on doing something with Duke Nukem, or is this definitely a Bulletstorm thing? Or is it both? Will we see Borderlands 3 next week? Sound off in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @anarkE7!


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