
GTA Fans Disappointed by 50 Cent’s New TV Show


Grand Theft Auto fans are a little bit upset by 50 Cent’s new TV show. Grand Theft Auto fans are… sort of a desperate bunch and understandably so. It has been a decade since the last Grand Theft Auto game and they’ve been trying to make do with GTA V for so long, that it feels like it may just exist forever. Red Dead Redemption 2 was an amazing game that has helped a bit with the wait by scratching a similar itch, but all eyes are on Rockstar’s next Grand Theft Auto game. The developer has confirmed it is in the works, but has not officially shown us anything or really given us much to work with. So, anytime there’s anything that could possibly be seen as a “tease” or a “hint”, fans go wild.

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Recently, 50 Cent began teasing something to do with Vice City and was using imagery/fonts that were very evocative of the game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. All of the leaks and rumors have pointed toward Grand Theft Auto VI being set in Vice City, so many began to believe 50 Cent was teasing something to do with the next GTA game. Things got even more suspicious when he abruptly took down all of the posts with his teases. However, it has since come out that what he was teasing is a new Paramount series called Vice City and while it shares some similarities to the Rockstar game, it is in no way connected to Grand Theft Auto in any capacity. 

Naturally, GTA fans took to social media to express their annoyance over the reality of the situation. It certainly seems like 50 Cent was more than aware of what he was doing. There’s a big following behind Grand Theft Auto and it wouldn’t be surprising if he leveraged their hype for the next game to market his show a bit. That’s purely speculation, but it does seem like a real possibility. 

What do you think of 50 Cent’s little stunt? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.

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