Grand Theft Auto Online 'After Hours' and How to Unlock the Scientology Easter Egg

Grand Theft Auto is no stranger to hiding hilarious easter eggs around their map for players to [...]

Grand Theft Auto is no stranger to hiding hilarious easter eggs around their map for players to explore. The hunt for them is like a game within a game and now with the most recent content drop, After Hours, there are even more to uncover.

For those that remember the parody of Scientology in Grand Theft Auto V, there's a Kifflom t-shirt players can unlock for the Epsilon Program. Epsilon is poking fun at the 'religion' that has been under fire for many years and has been raided by the FBI more times than PUBG has banned cheaters (kidding). Still, there's a special clothing item that can be found in homage to the parody, but you are going to have to get drunk out of your mind in order to get it.

In After Hours, there are tons of clubs that players can go into. Pretty much walk up to any one of them and get yourself a Macbeth Whiskey shot. They are 350 bucks a pop, but they'll get the job done. Drink to your heart's content and you'll eventually pass out in shame, only then to awaken to a brand new environment. I woke up on the side of the street, but I've heard other players say that bathrooms were pretty popular too. Reminds me of Mass Effect. Good times.

One thing that players will notice is that half of their clothes are missing! A sure sign of a good time, but not to worry - we know where they are. Bad news? They're at the top of Mount Chiliad. That being said, the event can trigger to where a player will eventually find themselves at the top of the Epsilon (Scientology) building and it's there they can don that pretty baby blue t-shirt.

Not too bad though! It's not an easter egg where you have to slave over a bunch of rendudant fetch quests. Simply get black out drunk enough times and voila! Shiny new wardrobe!

Grand Theft Auto Online: After Hours is available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Happy gaming!