GTA 6 Fans Think They've Discovered the Trailer Song

This time tomorrow we will live in a post GTA 6 trailer world.

The GTA 6 trailer song has possibly been discovered by Grand Theft Auto fans. Of course, a strong emphasis should be put on "possibly." As you will know by now, tomorrow, December 5, is the day Rockstar Games finally unveils GTA 6 to the world. Going into the trailer, we have no idea what to expect. We know the trailer is 91 seconds long, but this is all we know. That said, this could prove to be an important detail. 

Yesterday, a song was uploaded to YouTube with an image in the style of GTA 6 promotion. This just seem to be an unknown artist trying to capitalize on the GTA 6 hype, however, there's an interesting detail about the song: it is 91 seconds long. Now, if this was uploaded today, it would not be noteworthy. However, it's been uploaded the day before Rockstar Games revealed the trailer is 91 seconds long. 

So, is this a coincidence? Or s there some type of next level wizardry going on? Or is this a genuine leak? We don't know, but it's caught the attention of Grand Theft Auto fans ahead of the trailer's release. 

As for the song itself, it's called Genesis – That's All (Mandalus Remix). For what it is worth, it sounds like it could be the reveal trailer song. And even more than this, it's been rumored that a remix of Genesis – That's All was going to be used in the reveal trailer for over a year. These rumors came from 4chan though. 

Take everything here with a grain of salt. All we have is speculation. There is some strange connecting dots, but coincidences do exist. And GTA 6 leaks are weird. Just this weekend we reported of some leaked footage about the game and it's reported that leaked footage came from the son of a lead developer on the game. The GTA 6 rumors and leaks have been a wild ride from day one, but the rollercoaster ride is finally almost over. As for Rockstar Games, it has not commented on any of this, nor has any other implicated party. If this changes, we will update the story accoridngly.