TV and movie adaptations based on video games don’t have a good rep, and rightfully so. Most of the time games have been adapted to television or the big screen it’s turned out horribly. And as a result, developers aren’t always thrilled when they see their IP get the adaptation treatment. That said, Halo developer 343 Industries is excited for Showtime’s upcoming TV adaptation of the shooter starring Master Chief.
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According to 343 Industries’ producer Kiki Wolfkill, the team is excited about the adaptation, noting that it feels like the project has been a great collaborative effort and has a lot of momentum.
“It’s incredibly exciting for us because it just feels like we have great collaboration and momentum,” said Wolfkill of the series while speaking to Wccftech. “And, you know, there have been times during the show when it’s all been focused on the business side of it and contracts, negotiations, all of that. It feels like we’re beyond that stage now and frankly, in the far more gratifying part of the process, which is the creative one.”
As you may remember, earlier this year the makers of the DOOM video game franchise distanced itself from DOOM: Annihilation after the latter was revealed to the world. This is to say, it’s good to see 343 Industries is excited about what Showtime has cooking up, and is perhaps a good sign of the quality the TV series will feature.
As for the TV series, we still don’t really know much about it. Showtime pitches it as its “most ambitious series ever,” and has been working on it in some form or another since 2014. However, the series has been hit with multiple shake-ups and setbacks, leaving many skeptical that it will ever see the light of the day.
The series supposedly takes place in the same universe as the games, and will aim to dramatize the 26th century conflict between Earth and the Covenant by mixing together personal war stories with the narrative of the larger conflict between the two forces.
For more news, media, and information on the upcoming TV series, be sure to peep all of our previous coverage of it by clicking right here. And don’t forget to leave a comment or hit me up on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_ to talk all things Halo.
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