According to 343 Industries boss Bonnie Ross, the team is looking at Halo Infinite as an opportunity to slightly reboot the series.
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More specifically, while speaking with IGN, Ross said Halo Infinite will be a “spiritual reboot” for the franchise, which sounds pretty vague, but from the sounds it, indicates 343 Industries will be taking more creative risks than it did with the previous two Halo games it made, and perhaps starting the process of taking it in an entirely new direction.
And this perhaps explains why the game isn’t being called Halo 6, which surely would have been the better title for marketing purposes.
“We’re kind of calling it a ‘spiritual reboot,’” said Ross. “That’s kind of how we talk about it.”
Further, Ross revealed that 343 Industries had a lot of “great learning moments” with its last couple of releases, all of which is being used to make Halo Infinite better and help recapture the magic of the originals, while also bringing it somewhere new and more modern.
“There has been a lot of introspective time to really reflect on what [we have] done as 343,” said Ross. “Where have we made mistakes? Where have we hit it right? What does Halo mean to all of us? That [Halo Infinite reveal] trailer we did is what Halo means to the studio.
“Maybe it took us two games to get there, and I think we’ve done good things and bad things, but what does Halo mean to us? It is about hope, and wonder, and heroism, and humanity, and community, and bringing a community together. That’s what that trailer is, and that’s what we want to do.”
Again, it all sounds a little vague, but I get the impression that Halo Infinite won’t simply just be more Halo. And this is probably for the better, while the series will always have its hardcore fans, since Bungie left, a lot of the buzz around the Xbox franchise is slowly evaporating. It’s still a big deal, but not as big of a deal as a new Halo used to be. And the only way to get back to those levels is by trying new things, not rehashing what has already been done multiple times over.
Halo Infinite is in development for Xbox One, PC, and possibly next-gen Xbox systems. For more coverage on the game, click here.
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