'Harry Potter: Wizards Unite' Might Be A Samsung Exclusive

The team behind Pokemon GO and WB Games have teamed up to reveal our first look at the upcoming [...]

The team behind Pokemon GO and WB Games have teamed up to reveal our first look at the upcoming Harry Potter mobile adventure: Wizards Unite. The upcoming magical adventure will feature familiar AR technology that Niantic is known for, but with a much different twist than the land of Pokemon. Unfortunately for those that play on iOS, it might not be available for all.

According to a report from The Inquirer, Samsung is in the middle of a 40 million dollar deal with Niantic to collaborate on "exclusive games." A source told the site, "Niantic is hesitant to co-work on Pokémon Go, since they are super protective of that franchise."

They added, "After a lot of haggling, and pushing, Niantic refused to make the features without a large investment from Samsung, and the number they arrived at was $40m." According to the anonymous source, Samsung is heavily focused on the upcoming Harry Potter game and that is at the center of the negotiations.

As far as the new game goes, Niantic jokes that it is "muggle-proof" and enlists the help of wizards everywhere with the world of magic at risk of exposure. According to the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite official website, "Please resist the urge to panic. Traces of magic are appearing across the Muggle world without warning and in a rather chaotic manner. We worry it is only a matter of time before even the most incurious Muggles catch wind of it. We call on all witches and wizards to help contain the Calamity or risk the worst of times since You Know Who. Brush up on your spells, get your wand ready, and enlist immediately."

But saving the wizarding world will not be an easy task, "The Ministry is looking for witches and wizards willing to roll up their sleeves and volunteer to save the wizarding world from the Calamity. As a member of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force (a new task force formed in partnership between the Ministry of Magic and the International Confederation of Wizards) you will hone lightning fast wand reflexes, an ability to sniff out the faintest whiff of magical disorder from afar, and proficiency in advanced casting of multiple spells."

Unfortunately, we don't have a release date as of yet other than 2019, but you can sign up for live updates as we edge closer to this game's release. Interested in joining the fight? You can "enlist now" right here to join the Statute of Secrecy Task Force in the name of wizards everywhere!