This Hilarious (and Kind of Pointless) 'Fallout 76' Mod Is Perfect for Mountain Mommas

Some mods in games are majestic, building up on worlds with grandeur and fantasy-driven [...]

Some mods in games are majestic, building up on worlds with grandeur and fantasy-driven exploration for players to enjoy and get lost in. Others gives us Thomas the Tank Engine and Mountain Momma panties. But to be fair ... everyone needs a pair of Mountain Momma panties and now you can have your very own pair with this Fallout 76 mod!

(Photo: Nexus Mods)

This mod is simple. See the panties, wear the panties. According to the Fallout 76 mod creator, "Now you can roam the wasteland secure in the knowledge that while your underwear might still have stains, those stains are no longer all that visible. You are now free to discard that underarmor and outfit and experience combat while definitively proclaiming in yellow lettered text across your haunches that you are THE Mountain Momma (and so is everyone else, because this is a replacer mod). While others may not be able to see the glorious underwear improvements you have brought into your world, it is your mission to raise awareness about the poor condition of people's underwear and to offer them this mod as a solution."

(Photo: Nexus Mods)

It's pretty easy to install too, you pretty much just add the file to your Fallout76Custom.ini file and boom - you're ready to go! It is important to note though that this is an online game and though Bethesda did promise that mod support is on its way, it's not available yet. So before downloading, just ask yourself if panties are worth a ban.

If your answer to that question is "hell to the yes," then mosey on over here to Nexus Mods and start downloading today!

As for the game itself, Fallout 76 is available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Though official mods are still not available, that hasn't stopped players from making their own - as PC players so often do. Interested in learning more about the online Wasteland? We've got you covered:

"As of right now, I'm loving the hell out of it. Would I have loved a Fallout 5? Absolutely, but Fallout 76 is charming and it really is a fresh perspective on a franchise that didn't necessarily need it, but it's welcome nonetheless," reads our review in-progress.

"I understand why many might not find it their particular cup of tea, but I've noticed a lot of naysayers haven't given it a chance. The world "online" has become almost scary with all of the talk cheaters, hackers, and griefers. Many see "online" as a series jumping ship, but that's not the case here. I feel like if you're a fan of Fallout, this will surprise you by how much it feels familiar. Play by yourself, play solo, just play it your way knowing it's not a Fallout 5, but something else entirely."

Like Fallout and modding? Did we just become best friends? Feel free to follow the author of this story over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy for both and full-on fangirl!