Tetris Effect Developers Reveal Humanity For PlayStation 4

Today, during Sony's new State of Play livestream, publisher Enhance Games -- the developer of [...]

Today, during Sony's new State of Play livestream, publisher Enhance Games -- the developer of Tetris Effect and Rez Infinite -- and Tokyo-based developer Tha Ltd. announced a brand-new action game dubbed Humanity, which is coming to PS4 and PlayStation VR sometime next year. To accompany the game's announcement, the pair also revealed a brand-new trailer, which reveals an ambiguous-looking title that's hard to decipher, but given the pedigree behind it, PlayStation fans are excited. Enhance Games notes more gameplay and story details will be revealed next year. In the meanwhile, I'm just going to refer to this one as that "weird crowd game."

"From the first early demo I saw, I couldn't get Humanity out of my head," said Enhance founder and CEO Tetsuya Mizuguchi in a press release. "The whole look and feel of it—manipulating these teeming masses of people—was mesmerizing, especially in VR. I knew right away it could be something special, which is why I couldn't be more excited to help a visionary like Yugo-san realize its full potential."

"I've long admired the work of Mizuguchi-san and his team; it feels like the perfect fit to be working with the people who made games like Rez and Tetris Effect," added Tha founder and creative director Yugo Nakamura. "Everyone at Tha is working hard to make Humanitysomething that likewise engages all your senses—a fun, challenging game, but also something more meaningful than that. Rest assured we have lots more to show and talk about…"

As mentioned above, this isn't a new game from Enhance Games as a developer, just a publisher. That said, if its own games are indicative of anything, it's that the studio has an eye for quality, so hopefully this continues its streak of great games, even if it's as a publisher this time around.

At the moment of publishing, there's been no word of any additional ports or a more specific release date beyond "2020." That said, don't expect to hear more on either front until at least the calendar turns over into a new year. In the meanwhile, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think of Humanity.