Developer Heart Machine has revealed when its upcoming sequel to Hyper Light Drifter, Hyper Light Breaker, will initially be releasing on PC. A little under a year ago, Heart Machine announced that Hyper Light Breaker would be the studio’s next project following the recent launch of Solar Ash. And while Hyper Light Breaker was originally planned to be let loose in the early part of 2023, the game’s arrival has now been pushed back by a bit.
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In a new trailer for Hyper Light Breaker that was revealed this week, Heart Machine shed more light on the game’s launch window. Initially expected to release on Steam this spring, Hyper Light Breaker has now had its launch pushed back to an undetermined date in fall 2023. It’s also worth stressing that this upcoming release will be of the early access variety, which means that Hyper Light Breaker won’t be fully launching just yet when it drops in the coming months.
Although Hyper Light Breaker is a sequel to Hyper Light Drifter, it is quite different from its predecessor. For starters, Breaker’s graphics have far more in common with what was seen in Solar Ash compared to Heart Machine’s original outing with Hyper Light Drifter. Additionally, Hyper Light Breaker will contain co-op and roguelike elements, both of which are big departures compared to previous games that have come from Heart Machine.
“Enter the Overgrowth, a forgotten land in the world of Hyper Light,” says Heart Machine’s official description of Hyper Light Breaker. “Play alone or with friends to explore open worlds, fight brutal monsters, unlock gear, create new builds, take on the mysterious Crowns and overthrow the ominous Abyss King in this adventure from the creators of Hyper Light Drifter.”
When Hyper Light Breaker does launch via early access later this year, the game will solely be playable on PC via Steam. For now, now additional versions of the game for PlayStation, Xbox, or Nintendo Switch have been announced by Heart Machine. However, given the studio’s track record with previous titles, it seems likely that Hyper Light Breaker will come to consoles eventually, likely once it exits early access.
Are you going to look to check out Hyper Light Breaker for yourself when it does release later this year? Be sure to let me know either down in the comments or message me on Twitter at @MooreMan12.