We were worried that after Injustice 2 launched the hype train would ride off into the sunset, but we’re not even close to being finished yet. Not even a month went by before NetherRealm Studios starting getting us excited about Injustice 2 with the promise of new DLC characters and premier skins.
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We know that nine DLC characters are on the way, even if we don’t know exactly who they will be yet. Further down we’ll be making a pretty bold assumption about at least one of those DLC characters, but we’re actually here to talk about premier skins today. Premier skins kick ass because they offer you an opportunity to play as an entirely new character without having to learn an entirely new moveset. We get all of the perks of a new character — a new look, new dialogue, new shaders, and a new voice actor — without the hassle of cracking open training mode and starting over from square one.
We’ve seen premier skins for Mr. Freeze, Powergirl, Jay Garrick Flash, Vixen, and Grid, and more premier skins are on the way. So who should they feature next?
We welcome additional premier skins with open arms. They bring novelty and excitement back to the roster without the labor of developing entirely new characters. So who do we want to see join the Injustice 2 roster as premier skins next? These are our top picks.
Adam West Batman

What better way to honor Adam West’s memory than by dominating online with a classic Adam-West-inspired Batman premier skin? If NetherRealm Studios really wanted to go all of the way, they could include a retro Robin uniform and custom impact visuals. Imagine if every time you landed the final blow in a match, a dramatic and colorful “BFF!” or “POW!” erupted from your opponent’s face.
We’ve already seen the retro cool-grey and electric blue shader for Batman, so we know NetherRealm is thinking what we’re thinking. Old-school is in. Come on, guys, this would make so many people (including us) so happy!

Out of all of the characters in the original Injustice: Gods Among Us that didn’t make the cut, Deathstroke seems like the easiest to revive via a premier skin. Let’s be honest. He and Deadshot basically share the exact same moveset anyway besides a little sword-play, and the two could be interchangeable as far as offense is concerned. I’m sure there are plenty of uninitiated DC Comics readers who probably get the two mixed up already anyway. Let’s make their confusion complete.
Additionally, since premier skin characters have their own unique voice actors and lines of pre-fight dialogue, this would be another opportunity for NetherRealm to flex its creative muscles and play off of the relationships between Deathstroke, Cyborg, and Starfire. If we end up getting Raven as DLC then it’ll be a no-brainer.

This one is a bit of a reach, but there are enough puzzle pieces that we feel okay about hoping for it. Now imagine this… What if the DLC silhouettes that we’ve seen teased for Injustice 2 actually turn out to give us Raiden? If Raiden shows up in the Injustice 2 roster, then we’ll have a fighter with a fully fleshed out moveset featuring electricity as a major offensive tool. Now that the character animations and moveset are done, all we need is a character model, and wouldn’t you know it: we have one.
The image posted above is actual character design from Marco Nelor, who worked on the game. According to Nelo, “he was all cleaned up and ready to go, but unfortunately Static didn’t make the cut for Injustice 2.” Until now, maybe? If Raiden shows up, you better believe we’ll be watching to see if this design makes a return. What a fantastic two-for-one that would be.

Okay, look… This is basically a copy and paste job. Well. Okay, look… We have no idea what we’re talking about because we’ve never developed or patched a video game, but come one! Bizzaro’s premier skin could basically be an emblem swap on the chest, a different shade of skin, some scraggly hair, and we can call it a day. The moveset and powers would obviously remain the exact same, and that would make perfect sense since Bizzaro is basically an uglier anti-clone of Superman.
A bizzaro premier skin would be a lot of fun since, even if players don’t buy or earn the skin for themselves, NetherRealm could use that Bizzaro model as a separate enemy or boss for a whole line of unique multiverse. A really hard series of multiverse challenges would actually make for the perfect challenge, with the Bizzaro skin as a reward.
So from the skins listed above, which one would you want to see the most? Weigh in on theย poll below.