Report: 'Kingdom Hearts 3' On Nintendo Switch Unlikely To Happen

Back in October, a rumor surfaced claiming that Square Enix wanted to bring Kingdom Hearts III to [...]

Back in October, a rumor surfaced claiming that Square Enix wanted to bring Kingdom Hearts III to the Nintendo Switch, which makes sense. Of course it would.

Then earlier this month the director of the action-RPG, Tetsuya Nomura, teased that's possible to get the game on Switch, and that such a port would be considered potentially after the release of the PS4 and Xbox One version.

That all said, Game Informer's Senior Editor Imran Khan recently appeared on the Kinda Funny Games Daily Show, where he revealed some interesting tidbits about the topic.

As you may know, Khan is known for being privy to some inside Nintendo information that others aren't, and has reported on such information accurately in the past. And according to Khan, the chances Kingdom Hearts III will appear on Nintendo Switch are slim. However, the HD re-releases may be ported to the system in its place.

"Last I heard, there was a talk between Nintendo and Square Enix about what they could do with Kingdom Hearts III," said Khan. "It was deemed unfeasible to get Kingdom Hearts III on the Switch."

According to Khan, while the Switch supports Unreal Engine 4 -- which the game was made on -- Kingdom Hearts III is said to be "very demanding" and couldn't be put on the system without pairing it down quite a bit.

Further, while Khan notes he's unsure if the remasters are being worked on for the Switch, he believes "that's probably what they settled on."

Of course, all of this should be taken with a grain of salt. While Khan has a history of having accurate information and scoops, it's also equally possible he has faulty or outdated information. In other words, just don't take any of as official confirmation.

Kingdom Hearts III is available for PS4 and Xbox One, priced at $59.99 USD. For more coverage on the critically-acclaimed title, click here. For more on the game itself, make sure to peep our review of the latest Sora adventure.

"In June 2013, the world was let in on one of gaming's biggest announcements," wrote Megan Peters in her review of the game. "At long last, Square Enix confirmed it was teaming up with Disney for a brand-new Kingdom Hearts console title. Nearly eight years after Kingdom Hearts II went live, the sequel took another six years to come to light, but the wait is over. Kingdom Hearts III is real and ready to light a fire under fans better than a well-timed Firaga.

"To say Kingdom Hearts III has plenty to live up to would be putting it lightly. Its prolonged development period pushed fans to rally behind its release, and support for Sora has reached an all-time high. The hype for the game would mean one serious fall from grace should Kingdom Hearts III disappoint, but the game lives up to those expectations and then some."

Thanks, Nintendo Everything.