Kingdom Hearts 4 Rumor Reveals One of the Game's New Disney Worlds

Kingdom Hearts 4 could feature a world tied to Moana.

A new rumor has potentially revealed one of the new Disney worlds that will be appearing in Kingdom Hearts 4. At this point in time, there's still virtually nothing that we know about the next game in Square Enix's beloved Kingdom Hearts series. This is especially true when it comes to the title's Disney collaborations, which remain completely shrouded in mystery. Now, over two years after the first reveal of Kingdom Hearts 4, we might finally be learning more about what is being planned behind the scenes. 

According to a new rumor from one reputable insider, Kingdom Hearts 4 is said to feature a world associated with the film Moana. This claim comes from the user Midori, who is said to have teased the location's inclusion in a group chat that has since been made public. Further details on what this world in KH4 might entail haven't been provided, but if true, this would mark the first time that Moana has appeared in Kingdom Hearts. 

Generally speaking, Moana would be a pretty logical addition to Kingdom Hearts 4 for a variety of reasons. For starters, the movie is arguably one of the biggest that Disney has had over the past decade. So much so, in fact, that a Moana sequel is slated to release later in 2024 and will be followed by a live-action adaptation in the coming years. With so much tied to the Moana franchise already being in the works, an inclusion in Kingdom Hearts 4 is also extremely feasible. 

That said, it's worth stressing that you take this rumor with a pretty major grain of salt for the time being. This is predominantly due to the fact that the leaker at the center of this claim has had quite a bit of drama surrounding themselves over the past few days. As a result, some of their credibility has been brought into question. Still, their track record up until this point has largely been more accurate than not, which suggests that this new rumor for Kingdom Hearts 4 could end up being accurate. 

How would you feel about seeing Moana incorporated into Kingdom Hearts 4? And which other Disney worlds would you like to see added to the upcoming title? Let me know for yourself over on social media at @MooreMan12