League of Legends Releases ARAM Hoffix, Patch Notes Revealed

League of Legends got some ARAM-only changes recently in an update meant to address some parts of the all-random game mode that needed work, and now that that update's out, players have had time to get acclimated to them. As is the case with any big update like that, however, players – and the developers working on ARAM – found that some parts of the experience stuck out compared to others and needed further tuning. As such, League has already gotten a hotfix for ARAM to address some of those outliers.

Riot Maxw3ll, the design lead at Riot working on the Modes Team, talked about the ARAM hotfix this week on Twitter ahead of its release. He said that "Melee champs are stronger and poke champs are weaker," and while this was intended, it went a bit further than expected. Comments wer also shared about the new Hexgates feature adapted from Summoner's Rift for ARAM.

"Going to keep monitoring as things settle. The map changes were intended to make 5 squishy poke comps less oppressive," Riot Maxw3ll said. Front liners have a real role in ARAM. We hear frustration around the vision blocking and hexgate return, and are actively monitoring for the effect on the game."

Changes regarding the new Hexgates haven't been made just yet, but we have already gotten a hotfix regarding champion damage in ARAM. The patch notes below detail the hotfix that's live now with several different champions adjusted based on how strong or weak they'd become.

League of Legends Mid-Patch Update for ARAM

  • Aatrox: Outgoing Damage: 105% ⇒ 100%, Damage Reduction: 5% ⇒ 0%
  • Aphelios: Outgoing Damage: 95% ⇒ 100%
  • Azir: Attack Speed Scaling: 0% ⇒ 0.025%, Ability Haste: 0% ⇒ 20%
  • Dr. Mundo: Outgoing Damage: 95% ⇒ 90%, Healing: 100% ⇒ 90%
  • Draven: Damage Reduction: 0% ⇒ 5%
  • Hecarim: Outgoing Damage: 110% ⇒ 100%, Damage Reduction: 10% ⇒ 5%
  • Kai'sa: Damage Reduction: 0% ⇒ 5%
  • Kalista: Damage Reduction: 0% ⇒ 10%
  • Kassadin: Outgoing Damage: 105% ⇒ 100%, Damage Reduction: 10% ⇒ 5%
  • Katarina: Outgoing Damage: 110% ⇒ 105%
  • Rammus: Outgoing Damage: 105% ⇒ 100%, Damage Reduction: 10% ⇒ 0%
  • Seraphine: Healing: 60% ⇒ 80%, Shield Mod: 60% ⇒ 80%
  • Sett: Ability Haste: 0% ⇒ -20%, Damage Reduction: -5% ⇒ -10%
  • Sion: Ability Haste: 0% ⇒ -20%
  • Sona: Healing: 80% ⇒ 90%, Shield Mod: 80% ⇒ 90%
  • Vayne: Damage Reduction: 0% ⇒ 5%
  • Zeri: Damage Dealt: 100% ⇒ 105%