
League of Legends January Sales Schedule Includes Omega Squad Discounts

The list of every League of Legends champion and skin going on sale in January has been released […]

The list of every League of Legends champion and skin going on sale in January has been released with options new and old being discounted throughout the month.

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Following the pattern of each monthly sales list before it, the January sales that have been posted don’t include the dates that the skins and champions will be on sale, but they do include their newly-discounted prices. The preview of all the month’s sales helps players plan out their purchases for the next month, but since the sales list is being revealed ahead of time, you won’t be able to get a partial refund on a champion or skin if you pick one up for full price ahead of its sale date.

The skins included in the early sales that are listed at the bottom of the sales schedule will stand out to players as some relatively new cosmetics with each one of the newer Omega Squad skins going on sale. Omega Squad skins for Tristana, Fizz, Twitch, and Veigar were released back in July, but January will be the first time that they’ll go on sale since they were released. If you still don’t have them in your collection, you’ll want to get whichever ones you need during the sale because it’ll be a while before they go on sale again.

Below are all of the skins and champions that are going on sale in January along with their discounted RP prices.

ChampionSale Price (RP)SkinSale Price (RP)
Aatrox487Blast Zone Heimerdinger260
Ahri440Chosen Master Yi260
Akali395Commando Galio260
Anivia395Constable Trundle375
Azir487Cryocore Brand487
Blitzcrank395Cutthroat Graves375
Camille487Dragon Fist Lee Sin487
Elise440Dragonslayer Braum487
Galio395Elderwood LeBlanc675
Gangplank395Eternum Rek’sai675
Ivern487Foxfire Ahri487
Karthus395Frost Queen Janna487
Kassadin395Frostblade Irelia487
Katarina395Gragas Caskbreaker375
Kha’Zix440Guardian of the Sands Kha’Zix487
Kindred487Headhunter Caitlyn487
Kled487Ice Drake Shyvana487
Leona440Marauder Alistar375
Lucian487Masked Shaco487
Lux395Neon Strike Vi487
Miss Fortune395Pentakill Sona487
Nami487Pharaoh Nasus260
Nocturne440Pickpocket Twitch375
Orianna440Program Lissandra675
Pantheon395Rogue Admiral Garen375
Quinn487Sakura Karma260
Riven440Shurima Desert Zilean487
Sejuani440Sir Kled487
Shyvana395Sorceress Lux260
Taliyah487Special Forces Gangplank487
Trundle440Super Galaxy Fizz675
Vel’Koz487Super Galaxy Kindred675
Wukong440Tundra Hunter Warwick260
Yorick440Uncle Ryze260
Zac487Valkyrie Leona260
Ziggs440Woad Scout Quinn487
SkinPrice (RP)Sale Price (RP)
Omega Squad Fizz1350975
Omega Squad Tristana1350975
Omega Squad Twitch1350975
Omega Squad Veigar1350975