League of Legends: All the Removed Items the "Looter" Rune Can Create

A new League of Legends rune that was recently revealed allows players to travel back in time for [...]

A new League of Legends rune that was recently revealed allows players to travel back in time for some Mana Potions now has a more comprehensive list of which items players can look forward to looting.

The new Keystone Rune is tentatively called Looter and falls under the Inspiration rune path. That path is all about bending the rules of League, and acquiring items that have been removed from the game or would otherwise be inaccessible to you definitely fits that theme. Mana Potions and a stealth-busting Oracle's item were two of the items that were initially revealed during Monday's livestream, but Riot Games systems designer and champion creator Daniel Z. Klein shared which items they're currently looking to include in the looting possibilities.

Klein elaborated on his tweet in a follow-up response and said that by saying Pink Wards, he was actually referring to the current Control Ward that we have currently, saying that he's still used to calling them Pink Wards instead. With that, the Green Ward and the Blue Ward are likely one-time uses of the trinket system that we have now as opposed to the classic Green Ward look from before.

Outside of vision items, the Sack of Gold, Elixer of Skill, and Oracle's Extract would all be pretty significant items to receive. Klein said that the gold amount from the sack could be between 20 and 100 gold, but you can also sell it for 55 to play it safe. The Elixir of Skill is an item that players will remember from the initial quest rewards rework of the support items, a consumable that instantly grants you another skill point and could put you at a pretty noticeable advantage during skirmishes. The Oracle's Extract item also returns to prevent enemies' stealth potential – woe on any Teemo who lanes against a champion that rolls this item.

The Looter rune works by granting champions bonus gold on their next auto attack after using a spell, much like Sheen works. It won't always conjure up an item, but it has the chance to with the item table expanding as the game continues.

More items are still being considered for the Looter rune such as smaller versions of the three current late-game elixirs, so expect a confirmed list to come soon.