A total of nine new League of Legends skins were revealed by Riot Games on Tuesday, several of which are the newest esports cosmetics that honor Invictus Gaming’s championship win. Zed, Evelynn, Alistar, Camille, Fiora, Irelia, Kai’Sa, LeBlanc, and Rakan are the nine champions who are getting the new skins which are all seen in the videos below. One of them is even a Prestige Edition skin, this one being released for Evelynn to upgrade her K/DA look.
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Riot Games typically reveals new skins on the day that patch notes are released, and this Tuesday was no exception. The only difference between today’s reveals and others is that many more skins were unveiled at once when there are typically only two or three cosmetics shown off on patch notes day. Those esports skins comprised the bulk of the reveals, but the other three cosmetics are diverse in their themes and offer something for different types of players.
Each of the new skins can be seen below beginning with Zed’s skin that unmasks the champion and ending with the six Invictus Gaming esports cosmetics.
Galaxy Slayer Zed
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โ League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) April 2, 2019
Galaxy Slayer Zed pic.twitter.com/le5U1Z4FsT
One of the first skins Riot Games revealed on Tuesday was the Galaxy Slayer Zed skin that turns the assassin into an intergalactic being ready to take on foes across the galaxies. The shadow he throws out consists of purples and black and has star-like particles floating around it, and the champion’s abilities have colorful flourishes to them.
It’s also worth noting that, while this skin doesn’t yet have information on pricing and rarity released at the time this is written, Riot Games teased the possibility of Legendary skins for Zed and Jhin at the end of the video at the top.
K/DA Evelynn Prestige Edition
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โ League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) April 2, 2019
K/DA Evelynn Prestige Edition pic.twitter.com/9l0DK7FKcB
Next among the skins that were revealed by Riot Games is the K/DA Evelynn Prestige Edition skin. Instead of her normal K-pop look that the rest of the K/DA lineup’s normal skins feature, this skin gives Evelynn a gold outfit and abilities to accompany it. It’s also got sound effects on every one of the abilities fitting for the K/DA members.
Unlike the rest of the skins that were revealed on Tuesday, K/DA Evelynn Prestige Edition will only be available for Prestige Points when it’s released.
Conqueror Alistar
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โ League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) April 2, 2019
Conqueror Alistar pic.twitter.com/LwyUeKWivm
Last in the reveals of the skins that aren’t directly related to an esports team is Conqueror Alistar. The skin joins the ranks of others like Karma and Varus who have both received Conqueror skins in the past.
Though not directly related to a specific pro team, the new Conqueror Alistar skin does have its ties to the competitive scene. The Conqueror skins are given to champions who have strong performances around the Mid-Season Invitational part of the season, as explained in a post from Riot Games dating back around two years ago. The timing of Alistar’s new skin lines up with the reveal of Karma’s skin and the Conqueror Varus cosmetic that was unveiled last year.
Invictus Gaming Skins
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โ League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) April 2, 2019
Invictus Gaming Skin Lineup pic.twitter.com/1kpKQxCkGg
In Riot Games’ final skin reveal, it showed off the full set of the Invictus Gaming cosmetics made to commemorate the team’s big victory during the World Championship. The team talked about the skins the players might choose for their win shortly after the victory, and they’ve all now been fully revealed.
Camille, Fiora, Irelia, Kai’Sa, LeBlanc, and Rakan are the six champions who are getting new skins with the players’ signatures showing up when each of them recall. All the skins arecolored with silver, black, white, and some blues and purples, though no release dates for the skins are known at this time.
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