The list of every League of Legends champion and skin that’s going on sale in November has been released, a selection that contains plenty of prime purchases.
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From Academy to Warden skins and Aatrox to Zyra, everything between these endcap options are worth taking a look at when planning out your RP purchase for the next month. The post about the sales schedule also indicated that a bug that’s been affecting sales has been resolved. This bug kept some skins from going on sale after they’d been out for quite a while, so some skins that have been out of the spotlight should now be seen in the discounts.
Check out all of the discounts coming in November below as well as the early sales that’ll cut the prices of some recently released skins.
Normal Sales

Champion | Sale Price | Skin | Sale Price |
Aatrox | 487 | Academy Darius | 375 |
Akali | 395 | Arclight Vayne | 487 |
Azir | 487 | Beast Hunter Draven | 375 |
Bard | 487 | Beast Hunter Sejuani | 375 |
Blitzcrank | 395 | Beast Hunter Tryndamere | 375 |
Brand | 440 | Cosmic Reaver Kassadin | 675 |
Camille | 487 | Death Blossom Kha’Zix | 487 |
Darius | 440 | Elderwood Bard | 487 |
Galio | 395 | Frosted Ezreal | 260 |
Gangplank | 395 | Ghost Bride Morgana | 487 |
Kalista | 487 | Gravelord Azir | 675 |
Karthus | 395 | Guardian of the Sands Rammus | 487 |
Kassadin | 395 | Headhunter Master Yi | 487 |
Katarina | 395 | High Noon Twisted Fate | 487 |
Lux | 395 | Nemesis Jax | 487 |
Malzahar | 440 | Officer Caitlyn | 487 |
Miss Fortune | 395 | Pool Party Lee Sin | 487 |
Nami | 487 | Pool Party Mundo | 487 |
Pantheon | 395 | Prestigious LeBlanc | 260 |
Quinn | 487 | Reverse Annie | 487 |
Renekton | 440 | Rocket Girl Tristana | 487 |
Rengar | 440 | Royal Shaco | 260 |
Rumble | 440 | Ryze Whitebeard | 375 |
Shyvana | 395 | Shadowfire Kindred | 675 |
Skarner | 440 | Sherwood Forest Ashe | 260 |
Syndra | 440 | Spirit Fire Brand | 675 |
Vel’Koz | 487 | Statue of Karthus | 260 |
Volibear | 440 | Superb Villain Veigar | 487 |
Yasuo | 487 | Tango Evelynn | 260 |
Zac | 487 | Totemic Maokai | 260 |
Zed | 487 | Viridian Kayle | 260 |
Zyra | 440 | Warden Karma | 375 |
Early Sales

Aside from the normal sales, a selection of what’s called “early sales” are also coming in November to slash prices of some new skins.
For those who aren’t familiar with this type of sale, the early sales are geared towards skins that have been released pretty recently that wouldn’t normally go on sale for a while. These are some of the newest and most involved skins that have been released recently, so it’d be a shame to miss out on them until the next time that they go on sale.
Skin | Price | Sale Price |
God Fist Lee Sin | 1820 | 1350 |
Cosmic Dusk Xayah | 1350 | 975 |
Cosmic Dawn Rakan | 1350 | 975 |
Cosmic Blade Master Yi | 1350 | 975 |
Dark Star Orianna | 1350 | 975 |
Dark Star Kha’Zix | 1350 | 975 |