League of Legends Patch Notes Preview Next 2 Updates

Riot Games announced recently that League of Legends would be getting a micropatch soon to smooth out some outliers while players wait for the next main update to drop amid an infrequent three-week patch cycle. After naming the champions, items, and other League systems that would get buffed, nerfed, or otherwise changed this week, Riot Games followed up that preview with a more detailed list of the changes planned for not just one but update but both of them.

Matt "Riot Phroxzon" Leung-Harrison, the lead designer on game balance within the Summoner's Rift team, shared both the initial patch notes tease and the more detailed preview of the updates which was posted on Wednesday. Given that these are changes for two different updates, there are plenty to look at in the posts below with more perhaps set to arrive in Patch 12.13 given that it'll be a while longer before that one is released.

Patch 12.12b, the micropatch releasing on Thursday, is shown in yellow within the two patch notes previews while the contents of Patch 12.13 can be seen in white. As mentioned previously, the micropatch contents are more geared towards particularly weak or strong champions right now that shouldn't be left unchecked until the next main update releases in July.

Those who play Sivir and Gwen will also want to take note of the changes broken out from the main patch notes in the two additional images shared by Riot Phroxzon. Gwen's changes are still nothing to skip over, but Sivir's are more in-depth and are akin to some of the mini champion updates others like Olaf, Taliyah, and Swain have gotten in the past. The update for Sivir affects every single part of her kit from her passive to her ultimate with different effects added or removed based on which ability you're looking at, so expect to see plenty of Sivir and Gwen players arriving whenever Patch 12.13 drops.

League's 12.12b micropatch is scheduled to drop on Thursday, so look for that download when it goes live tomorrow.
