League of Legends Players Can't Actually Ping Everything on the Scoreboard

League of Legends players might have expected to spam pings on anything and everything within the [...]

League of Legends players might have expected to spam pings on anything and everything within the scoreboard after the recent patch, but it appears that's not the case as some things are still unpingable.

In the update notes for Patch 7.19, a change was detailed that meant players could go crazy with their scoreboard pings. Items, Keystone Masteries, KDAs, everything should've been on the table for a topic of communication according to the patch notes.

"You can now ping everything on the scoreboard, so knock yourself out," the note from the patch read, a statement that would lead League players to assume that encompasses every single thing on the scoreboard.

However, it appears that being able to ping everything on the scoreboard wasn't the intention from the beginning. Riot Meddler admitted that the wording of the note in the patch was a bit misleading.

"As a bunch of people have noticed, that's not the case though," said Meddler regarding assumptions that everything was pingable. "It's also not what was originally intended, with miscommunication resulting in a misleading patch note, our bad there."

But the reason why some things aren't pingable makes perfect sense when you consider how plenty of League games end up when teams begin to fall apart and communication tools deteriorate into flaming mechanisms. The scoreboard ping options have been expanding recently to include more options, but there's definitely a sensible line to be drawn when it comes to what's available to be pinged. Imagine a bot lane matchup not going so well with an ADC not last-hitting well enough or a support dying repeatedly after getting caught warding and you've got a perfect example of why you can't ping someone's CS or KDA.

"What is in, and was intended, was that you can now ping any item on the scoreboard, regardless of player or team," Meddler explained. "That seemed like a useful communication tool to offer, being able to repeatedly ping someone's KDA by contrast for example, not so constructive."

There are still plenty of options outside of the restricted pingable selections though, so players can still knock themselves out with responsible, constructive pings.