
League Of Legends Reveals The Reworked Urgot: The Dreadnought

After what seemed an eternal wait, one of League of Legends’ most joked about champions, Urgot, […]

After what seemed an eternal wait, one of League of Legends’ most joked about champions, Urgot, has finally been updated and it ready to hit Summoner’s Rift once again with a new terrifying kit and some deadly shotgun knees.

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The vicious hunter from that was molded from pain in Zaun found himself in a difficult situation when it came to finding his place in the meta; he could be quite tanky when built correctly, but his split identity as both a marksman and a tank meant that he didn’t quite fit into either the bottom of the top lane. He’s been on a shelf for awhile because of this as Riot Games figured out what to do with him and only the most dedicated of champion mains looked to take the often-called Urgod into battle. Now, he’s been reworked squarely into the Juggernaut category, and he looks to show his squishy enemies what true power is through no-fluff dominance.

Though it seemed like an earlier leak might’ve spoiled the updated version of Urgot, it only proved to build the hype up even more before his release. Shotgun knees, a furnace-like chest โ€” all of the rumors and speculation has built up to the new Urgot that can be seen with his broken down abilities here.

Passive: Echoing Flames

The crabby Urgot has several legs to work with when he’s terrorizing enemy champions, and his new passive, Echoing Flames, looks to take advantage of his unique multi-leg characteristic by employing the shotgun knees that fans of Urgotย have been waiting for since the questionable leak.

“Attacking in the direction of one of Urgot’s legs causes that leg to combust flames outward, dealing physical damage to enemies in a cone and putting that leg on cooldown,” the ability’s description reads.ย “Consecutive hits within a few seconds deal reduced damage.”

As you can see in the video above, his new passive sprays out some brutal AOEย damage to give him innate wave clear. The passive also seems like it’ll reward carefully positioning Urgotย around his enemies instead of just blasting them with armor shredding abilities and hoping for the best.

Q: Corrosive Charge

Urgot players and those who have rarely seen the champion crawling the Rift will be familiar with this ability from his previous kit. His Q is the explosive canister ability called Corrosive Charge, an AOE ability that marks enemies caught in the blast.

“Fires an explosive charge at the target location, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies and slowing them,” the description of the returning ability reads. “Enemy champions struck areย locked onto.”

One thing that players will notice is a bit different about this new ability is that it offers a bit of a delay before the Corrosive Charge detonates to allow enemies a bit of counterplay. Before, it would arc and explode on impact, something that left little time to react for such a quick ability and ensured that you’d get hit with a few more abilities shortly after. The lock on function of this ability still works in tandem with his other abilities as seen in his W.

W: Purge

An ability that utilizes both the lock on function of his Q and his badassย shotgun legs passive, his W ability, Purge, causes Urgotย to hunker down and become the tankyย destroyer that he’s meant to be as he stampedes over his enemies.

“Urgot shields himself and rapidly shoots the nearest enemy, prioritizing enemies that areย locked ontoย and triggeringย Echoing Flamesย when possible,” the description reads. “While shooting, Urgot walks more slowly, but becomes resistant to incoming slows. During this time, Urgot can walk over non-champions and cannot basic attack normally.”

This new ability brings back the shield from Urgot’sย previous kit, but amps it up in a serious way that slows him down briefly and makes him an imposing threat to any enemy nearby his explosive legs. While locked out of his basic attacks, he can plowย straight through minions on his way to whatever champion is unfortunate enough to be in his line of sight.

E: Disdain

Urgot’s a violent champion with a dark background, and his E ability, Disdain, looks to emphasize that hatred for enemies as he crashes into them and tosses them about the Rift.

“Urgot charges in a direction,” the description says. “If he runs into an enemy champion, he’ll stop, grabbing and throwing them to the other side of him – damaging andย locking onto them.ย Non-champions trampled during Urgot’s charge take the same damage and are knocked aside.”

Another ability that shows Urgot’s complete disregard for the lesser enemies around him, his Disdain ability is a dash combined with the flipping power that Volibearย has. He casts aside non-champions around him, and after connecting with an enemy champion, he locks onto them to make use of his Purge ability once again. Thisย aggressive ability is perhaps one of the best examples of Riot’s focused vision for Urgotย to become a juggernaut instead of a strange inbetweenย figure.

R: Fear Beyond Death

Remember when the big leak came out and it was rumored that Urgotย would come with a furnace-like ultimate that would suck players in like a Blitzcrankย hook and instantly kill them? Players thought that it would be insane to have such a fantastic ability on the Headsman, but that’s exactly what he has with his ultimate, Fear Beyond Death.

“Urgot fires a hexdrill beacon that impales the first enemy champion struck,ย locking ontoย them, dealing physical damage and slowing them,” the ultimate’sย description reads. “While impaled, if the target falls below a health threshold, Urgot may re-castย Fear Beyond Deathย to suppress the target, slowly reeling them in and – when they reach him – executing them. During the re-cast, they are untargetable, and this effect can only be ended by killing Urgot. If Urgot successfully executes an enemy, he terrifies all nearby enemies.”

This ability is absolutely vicious, a suppression that leaves an enemy unable to react and can only be stopped by killing Urgotย before he can grind them up into nothingness. Other champions can only watch a full-health Urgotย perform the inevitable as he churns them up in a meat grinder implanted in his chest, an ability that ends with his fear from his previous kit making a return.

Aside from his abilities, more news on Urgot’sย design and revamped lore will likely come soon, information that we’ll report on as it emerges.