
League of Legends’ Warding Runes Are Changing

Updated versions of two of League of Legends’ ward-focused runes have been added to the PBE to […]

Updated versions of two of League of Legends’ ward-focused runes have been added to the PBE to make them more attractive choices.

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The two runes are Zombie Ward and Ghost Poro, runes that are found in the Domination rune path right alongside Eyeball Collection. Both are underpicked compared to the eyeball rune that encourages kills and grants damage, Riot Games said, so the runes are being changed to both fulfil their initial vision goals and also grant a damage boost.

Starting with Ghost Poro, the rune will no longer drop a Poro ward into a bush shortly after you step into it. Instead, moving to a bush will swap your trinket for a Ghost Poro item. You can then use the Ghost Poro trinket like you would a normal ward which will drop the Poro into the bush for five minutes or until scared away by an enemy champion.

What’s different about the rune is that players will now be rewarded for positioning it in a spot where it can survive for a while without being disturbed, so long as that location is somewhere in hostile territory.

“Finally, whilst either you or your Ghost Poro are in enemy territory (which is any location on the opposite side of the river in Summoner’s Rift, and anywhere past the half-way point on our other maps), you gain 5-20 adaptive stats, based on level,” Riot Rovient said on the League boards. “This is great for aggressive, invading junglers who plan to spend a lot of time harassing the enemy at their camps, or champions who can sneak in and place a Poro in a great spot without too much risk.”

Zombie Ward is also different on the PBE, though this one isn’t changing as much as the Ghost Poro. Clearing wards will still create a Zombie Ward in their place, but the ward will now last for a full 120 seconds instead of a duration that scales with level. Your own wards expiring won’t create a Zombie Ward any longer, though. This rune will also now grant bonus damage on players’ next attack to encourage you to clear a ward and immediately get to scrapping.

“In addition, after clearing a Ward, you deal a bonus 30-90 magic damage (based on level) to the next enemy Champion you hit with any spell or attack. This damage will likely come on-line towards mid-game, since you’ll generally only be clearing wards with regularity once you’ve got an Oracle Lens or Control Wards purchased.”

The rune changes are now on the PBE for further testing before they move to live servers.