Rumor: Mark Cerny Is Already Discussing PlayStation 5 With Potential Developers

We’ve heard all sorts of stories as of late about Sony prepping work on its next PlayStation [...]


We've heard all sorts of stories as of late about Sony prepping work on its next PlayStation console, despite the PlayStation 4 being a hot-seller on the market. But it looks like we could be hearing about the PlayStation 5 sooner rather than later, especially if Eurogamer's latest report is to be believed.

Per the report, Mark Cerny, who served as lead architect of the PlayStation 4 hardware (oh, and made this arcade classic called Marble Madness), has taken to the road and is reportedly meeting up with potential publishers and developers, talking all sorts of PS5 business.

While an exact list of which developers and publishers weren't given out, there's a good chance that major names like Electronic Arts, Bethesda, Activision and maybe even Rockstar Games on the list, since Sony is quite savvy with those companies for PlayStation 4 properties anyway. That's merely speculation though.

The report points out further proof that the PlayStation 5 is in the works, though we've got no details on the actual hardware yet. There has been some speculation as to what could be included in it, but nothing has been confirmed just yet.

There was also word that Sony could be dropping a hint about PlayStation 5 as soon as its pre-E3 press conference, which will take place in June. But some believe that it may be too soon, and that the publisher may not say a word until at least next year, with a potential 2020 release year.

That scenario makes sense, since it gives developers and publishers more time to play around with the hardware and see what it's capable of, so the games can shine right out of the gate -- just as they did on the PlayStation 4.

We'll keep tabs on this visit and see who Cerny might be dropping by to see, but chances are we won't be hearing about PlayStation 5 for a while. After all, God of War is releasing this Friday and is getting huge buzz for Sony. So why take the focus off of that?

We'll keep you informed on any new PlayStation 5 details we come across. But of course, first we'll be playing God of War, because it's simply splendid.