Metal Gear Solid Voice Actor Says Remake Is Happening

Rumors regarding a Metal Gear Solid remake on next-gen platforms have gained a bit more steam [...]

Rumors regarding a Metal Gear Solid remake on next-gen platforms have gained a bit more steam thanks to former Solid Snake voice actor David Hayter. In an interview with Dan Allen Gaming, Hayter claimed that he had heard about the project from his sources a few days prior to the interview, before it became "an industry rumor." None of this officially confirms anything just yet, but it does seem a bit more plausible than it was before. Fans have been holding out hope for a new Metal Gear game, and it seems like something just might be in the works!

"I only had some confirmation that it might not be a rumor a couple days ago. And even that was like still a rumor. But now it's an industry rumor, so that tends to be a little more accurate," Hayter said around the 47-minute mark.

Hayter voiced Solid Snake in multiple entries in the series, before being replaced by Kiefer Sutherland in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. It's unclear whether or not Hayter would return to voice the character in a remake, but he has previously expressed an interest in doing so. During the interview, Hayter mentioned that the lines from the PlayStation original would likely be unusable. Dialogue from the game was re-recorded for the 2004 remake The Twin Snakes, but Hayter was skeptical about that audio quality, as well.

Konami has stepped back from game development over the last few years, placing a greater emphasis on ports and compilation games. As a result, franchises like Metal Gear and Silent Hill have been left in a state of flux, though rumors have persisted regarding new games for both, possibly developed by outside teams, but published by Konami. Earlier this year, Konami confirmed that it has no plans to leave the video game industry.

After all these years, Hayter remains committed to the role of Solid Snake, and the actor maintains a strong fan base that would love to see him continue in the role. Until Konami confirms that a remake is coming, fans should take this with a grain of salt. Hopefully official word will come sooner, rather than later.

Would you like to see a Metal Gear Solid remake released? Are you a fan of the original game? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!