Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Release Date Confusion Clarified by GameStop

Konami's remake of MGS3 isn't launching in November after all.

GameStop has provided clarification when it comes to the release date of Konami's Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater. Within the past day, GameStop claimed that the remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 would be launching later this year on November 17. At the time, this date was one that Konami itself hadn't announced, which raised questions about its legitimacy. Now, based on new info from GameStop, it seems that this launch date for Metal Gear Solid Delta was completely accidental. 

In a recent post on social media, GameStop made clear that the release date for Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater that it had previously shared was not legitimate. GameStop didn't explain how this mixup happened in the first place, but it puts to rest many ongoing questions that fans had about the title's launch. As for its actual release date, Konami has yet to provide even a broad release window, although pre-orders for Snake Eater are now live. 

"Our previous pre-order post on Metal Gear Solid Delta had an incorrect release date," GameStop said plainly. "More information on the game's official release will come from Konami."

In all likelihood, GameStop likely posted the launch date of the original Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater in its pre-order message on social media. 2005's version of Snake Eater came to PlayStation 2 on November 17, which initially made some fans think that Konami could be sticking to this date for Metal Gear Solid Delta as a way of paying homage. Instead, those at GameStop must have simply thought that the release date of the original game was meant to be the remake's launch day as well. 

Based on previous rumors that have come about, Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater supposedly isn't set to release until 2025. As such, Konami might continue to keep fans guessing when it comes to the remake's eventual release date. For now, all that's known with absolute certainty is that MGS Delta is being developed for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. It's also joined by Silent Hill 2 as new remakes from Konami that are set to arrive in the future.