New Metroid Game Potentially Leaked

In 2021, Metroid Dread released on Nintendo Switch. Developed by MercurySteam, the game debuted to strong reviews, and the best sales the series has ever seen. A new rumor suggests that the developer is already at work on a new entry in the series, set to release in 2025. While readers should always take this sort of thing with a grain of salt, it's worth noting that this rumor comes from Spanish leaker Nash Weedle. Nash Weedle leaked the existence of Metroid Dread before its official announcement, so they have proven reliable in the past!

The Tweet from Nash Weedle can be found embedded below.

If this rumor is true, it will mark the third Metroid game developed by MercurySteam. In 2017, the team worked on Metroid: Samus Returns for the Nintendo 3DS. The developer has clearly proven capable of handling the 2D Metroid series, and it wouldn't be all that surprising to see another game in the franchise. Of course, it's unclear if this would be a completely new game (like Dread), or another remake (like Samus Returns). There's also the question of which console it will end up releasing for; Nintendo has yet to announce a successor to the Switch platform, but it's definitely possible the system will be on the market by 2025.

For now, Metroid fans will just have to wait and see! The franchise has never been a massive seller for Nintendo, but Metroid Dread did get a lot of attention from gamers that had no prior experience with the series. A quick follow-up would help to build on that success, especially if it does end up releasing on the next Nintendo platform. There's also Metroid Prime 4, which is still in development for Nintendo Switch over at Retro Studios, though it's been some time since there's been any new information. Regardless, it seems like fans of Samus Aran will have at least one new adventure to look forward to, if not two!

Would you like to see a sequel to Metroid Dread? What do you want to see next from the series? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter and on Hive at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!

[H/T: Reddit]