One of the core aspects of Monster Hunter Wilds is seeking out giant creatures and defeating them. Once the monster is defeated and the hunt cleared, players have a chance to carve these monsters up to get parts, allowing them to forge new armor and weapons. However, Monster Hunter Wilds features another crafting system that lets players create various items. While these are not as impactful as weapons and armor, the items players can create provide numerous benefits on hunts. Crafting these items requires materials as well, but these are not typically found on monsters. Instead, players must forage ingredients to craft these items, some of which can have a huge impact.
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There are numerous recipes for crafting in Monster Hunter Wilds, many of which you’ll discover as you progress. Crafting is best done in your tenet, as you have access to your pouch and crate supply. We’ve gathered ten of the best items you can craft in Monster Hunter Wilds and listed how to make them below.
Mega Potions

- Potion + Honey
It goes without saying that healing is important in Monster Hunter Wilds, and Mega Potions are one of the best ways to heal. Your Palico will provide healing support as well, but being able to create and use potions when you need to at a momentโs notice is more efficient. You can craft multiple of these and store them in your crate, just make sure you stock up before going on a hunt. You need Potions and Honey to craft these, with Potions being made by Herbs and Honey found by foraging at beehives. Ensuring you have Mega Potions on hand is crucial, especially in the late-game when monsters deal large amounts of damage.
Herbal Medicine

- Antidote + Blue Mushrooms
Poison is a debilitating status condition in Monster Hunter Wilds due to the residual damage it causes. While you likely wonโt die outright from poison, some monsters inflict this with powerful attacks. This can leave you near death, and the little bit of trickle damage you take can finish you off. Herbal Medicine not only cures the poison status condition but restores some health as well. This not only prevents you from taking damage over time but gives a slight boost before you can use a Potion. Herbal Medicine is crafted by combining an Antidote and a Blue Mushroom. Youโll need an Antidote Herb to make an Antidote, and these can be found foraging along with Blue Mushrooms.
Energy Drink

- Nitroshroom + Honey
The Energy Drink is one of the best items for stamina-dependent weapons like the Bow and Dual Blades. Consuming an Energy Drink will boost your stamina, and has the added benefit of removing the sleep status condition. While the Bow and Dual Blades will appreciate the stamina, any hunter will be happy drinking an Energy Drink. Without stamina, youโll be unable to attack properly and wonโt be able to dodge. Crafting an Energy Drink requires Nitroshroom and Honey, both of which are foraged in the wilderness. Having a few of these in your pouch is always good, because some monsters can drain your stamina quickly.

- Bitterbug Broth + Honey
While the Catalyst doesnโt do anything on its own, it is an important crafting material. It can be combined with other ingredients to create powerful potions and bring out other effects in different recipes. Catalysts are used in recipes like Armorskin and Demondrug. The only method of getting Catalysts is by crafting. This requires Bitterbug Broth, found by collecting Bitterbugs in the wild, and Honey foraged from hives. Catalysts will be more helpful as you progress and unlock new recipes, so it’s a good idea to keep a few on hand and ready to go.

- Catalyst + Adamant Seed
There are numerous monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds, and these are capable of powerful attacks. While the armor you craft from other monsters will provide protection, it doesnโt hurt to have extra. Armorskin is a potion that temporarily boosts your hunterโs defense, meaning attacks will do less damage. Pairing this with armor containing the right resistances can practically nullify some monster’s attacks. To craft Armorskin, you must combine a Catalyst and an Adamant Seed. Catalysts are another crafted item, while Adamant Seeds are a forage material. While Armorskin can reduce the damage done to you, you should still use healing items when your health is low.
Flash Pods

- Flashbug Phosphor
Flash Pods are one of the most effective tools in Monster Hunter Wilds. Striking a monster with this item can temporarily blind it, leaving it vulnerable to attack. This allows you to more safely attack them, especially if you stagger the blindness effect. Itโs important to note some monsters cannot be blinded, but Flash Pods are strong against numerous enemies. To craft Flash Pods, you must seek out Flashbugs and collect them for their Flashbug Phosphor. This can be done with the Hook Slinger or Capture Net, both will reward you with the material needed.

- Small Barrel/Large Barrel + Material/Material + Material
There are numerous types of bombs in Monster Hunter Wilds, and many of them make hunting and taking down monsters easier. The most common are explosive bombs. These can be made with different barrel types, such as Large and Small Barrels. Both Large and Small Barrels can be purchased at the various Provisions Stockpile merchants. Once you have your barrels, you can begin crafting bombs. The Large Barrel allows for more deadly explosives but does cost more.
The other types of Bombs are status-effect bombs, such as Smoke or Poison Smoke Bombs. These do not use barrels in the recipe but instead call for different ingredients. Typically youโll need a type of nut, such as the Smokenut, and another material to craft these. While these wonโt do as much damage as explosive bombs, the effects they produce can be extremely helpful during hunts.
Shock Trap

- Trap Tool + Thunderbug Capacitor
Traps are potent tools in Monster Hunter Wilds. While the main use is to incapacitate monsters for capture, you can use traps to temporarily stun monsters to reposition or buy yourself time to heal. Shock Traps are excellent for this, as they temporarily paralyze any monster that comes into contact with it. It can be difficult getting a monster to step into your trap, but with careful timing and planning, you can lure a monster in, leaving it open for direct attacks. Pitfall Traps are also a valid option, but the Shock Trap seems more effective overall. Youโll need a Trap Tool, which can be purchased at the Provisions Stockpile, and a Thunderbug Capacitor to craft these. Harvest Thunderbugs in the wild for this second ingredient.

- Normal Ammo + Material
Ammo only applies to hunters using the Light or Heavy Bowgun in Monster Hunter Wilds. Unlike the Bowโs Coatings, which are generated automatically depending on the type of Bow used, ammo must be crafted. While this means you must gather the necessary resources to make it, having different ammo types lets you be more flexible in a hunt. Normal Ammo can be purchased at the Provisions Stockpile, and this is combined with different ingredients and materials for different effects. Most ammo is shown in the crafting menu, allowing you to pinpoint specific ingredients you need for each ammo type.
Demon Powder

- Godbug Essence + Might Seed
The monsters of Monster Hunter Wilds have a lot of health, and there are time limits to complete a hunt. This means doing damage and targeting weak points is crucial to taking down monsters. Demon Powder creates a cloud that boosts the raw attack power of any player who stands within it, making it great for solo play and groups. It lasts a long time, and youโll often only need one to successfully take down a monster. Crafting Demon Powder requires Godbug Essence, harvesting from Godbugs, and Might Seeds, which are foraged in the wilderness.
While these are the most impactful items you can craft in Monster Hunter Wilds, there are plenty more that have specific uses. Hot and Cold Drinks are necessary when going into places of extreme climates, while the capturing aspect of Monster Hunter Wilds has plenty of helpful items. Additionally, many of the items listed above feature versions that can be used to create an area of effect, allowing it to affect multiple players at once.
Players should experiment with different loadouts and see what items work best for them in Monster Hunter Wilds. If playing with a group, you can coordinate with your teammates on what items everyone is bringing. There are also creatures in the wilderness that can produce similar effects to the items listed above. These prevent you from having to use your own supply and let you save them for another hunt.