
Monster Hunter World Reaches Impressive Pre-Registration Number

More than 3 million people have pre-registered for Monster Hunter World!

Monster Hunter Now is set to release this week, and Niantic’s game is already drawing a lot of interest around the world. According to the developer, the game has already seen more than 3 million pre-registrations, as players get ready for launch later this week. It’s an impressive number, and it shows just how excited people are for the mobile game. In addition to that figure, Niantic also revealed a launch trailer for the game, which features players gearing up to take on some of the franchise’s iconic enemies.

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The launch trailer for Monster Hunter Now can be found below. Readers interested in pre-registering for the game can do so right here.

Anyone that pre-registers for Monster Hunter Now and logs inwithin the first seven days of release will receive a number of in-gameincentives. On the game’s website, there are multiple tiers laying outthe incentives players will receive for pre-registration. Now that thegame has reached 3 million pre-registrations, the next tier is 5million. It’s unclear whether that goal will be met by release, butplayers already have a number of rewards to look forward to, includingPotions, Make-Up, a Founder Medal, Reward Tickets, and more. If reached, the 5million tier will get players 10,000 Zenny, as well as an Item Box Expansion +500.

Monster Hunter Now Release Date

Monster Hunter Now is an AR game that will be available on iOS and Android devices on September 13th. The game is the latest from Niantic, the developer best known for its work on Pokemon Go. While Pokemon Go has been a massive success for the company, subsequent games have struggled to find an audience, including Harry Potter: Wizards Unite; Wizards Unite lasted just two years on the market before the game was shut down. Early interest in Monster Hunter Now seems to be significantly higher, and that bodes well for the game’s hopes of maintaining an audience.

Monster Hunter on PC and Consoles

The Monster Hunter franchise has long been one of Capcom’s most successful. Monster Hunter World is actually the company’s best-selling game, having sold more than 19 million units worldwide. The size of Monster Hunter’s pre-existing audience also bodes well for Monster Hunter World‘s popularity, as fans of the series could end up giving the game a try on mobile. Monster Hunter has been going strong since 2004, and Capcom has released several games in the series since, including multiple spin-offs. That makes it somewhat like Pokemon, in that Niantic will have a lot of material to adapt in Monster Hunter Now, ensuring that players have a reason to keep coming back!

Are you planning to check out Monster Hunter Now when it releases later this week? Have you pre-registered for the AR game yet? Let us know inthecommentsor sharedirectly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!