The expansive world of Monster Hunter World is preparing for yet another festival for players to come together and celebrate while also offering a chance at some exclusive, limited-time loot. Get your Fall love on, because the festivities have arrived!
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Capcom has officially announced the Autumn Harvest Fest earlier this month and now the celebratory good time is on its way for PC players as well with new outfits, a sleuth of new quests, and tons more!
The event officially kicks off at midnight UTC tonight and will run until October 8th! In addition to the fun new quests and exclusive content, Capcom is also offering a free character edit voucher!
According to the game’s Steam blog post:
- A free character edit voucher will be distributed on Friday, October 5 at 00:00 UTC.
- This voucher can be downloaded for free from the Steam store only once, so that you can change the gender and appearance of your Hunter.
- The free character edit voucher can only be acquired once.
- The free character edit voucher can only be used once on one character.
- If you have more than one character, the voucher will be consumed as soon as you use it on one character.
- Hairstyles, eyebrow color, facial hair, makeup, and clothing can be changed without using a voucher by going to the item box in your room.
- You cannot change the name of your Hunter, or the name/appearance of your Palico.
Also according to Capcom, “You’ll find the Celestial Pursuit bedecked with decorations, and the staff garbed in their autumn colors! Not only that, but your Poogie and the Handler will also have some special costumes!
For the duration of the event, almost all previously released event quests, including exclusive Autumn Harvest Fest quests, will be made available. Your daily login bonus, limited bounties and more will feature some very special surprises for you! You’ll also have the chance to obtain some special Autumn Harvest Fest items and equipment!”
Will you be taking part in the upcoming festivities? Sound off with your thoughts on the Autumn Harvest Fest and previous events in the comment section below! As for the game itself, Monster Hunter world is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.