Since Naruto debuted on the pages of Weekly Shonen Jump, the anime franchise has continued to follow the denizens of the ninja world. Most specifically, Naruto Uzumaki and his fellow residents of the Hidden Leaf Village known as Konoha has been front and center in the series. During PlayStation’s State of Play, a new entry in the Naruto: Ultimate Ninja series was announced that might just be the biggest entry of the fighting game series to date that has examined the long history of Masashi Kishimoto’s anime tale.
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The fighting game series, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja, first began on the Playstation 2 in 2003 in Japan, with the popularity of the Shonen franchise bringing these games to the West a few years later. Each game would normally add more characters based on the heroes and villains that were introduced in both the manga and the anime adaptation, and with this upcoming game that is slated to hit both the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, Storm Connections is touting a titanic one hundred and twenty-four playable characters this time around.
Ultimate Ninja Storm Forever
If you didn’t have the chance to see the new trailer that arrived as a part of PlayStation’s latest State of Play, you can check out it below:
Each of the Ultimate Ninja Storm games haven’t just given fans quite a few ninjas in the fighting game series, but it has also followed the events of the Naruto anime. With plenty of events taking place in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations since the previous entry, it will be interesting to see what additional stories and characters the latest installment will cover.
Here’s how the Playstation Official Blog describes the upcoming game:
“To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Naruto’s anime debut and have fans who supported the series enjoy playing as their favorite ninjas, the game will contain additional new characters on top of 124 playable ninjas appeared in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Road to Boruto. That will make this the largest roster out of all the series! Today, we’re happy to reveal the first additional ninjas that will part of that roster: Ashura Otsuki and Indra Otsuki! Please stay tuned for more playable characters to be revealed in the near future. In addition, while the game is based on the battle system of the previous series, the PlayStation 5 version supports 60 FPS for the first time, making the ninja battle action smoother than ever.”
Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections will arrive on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 later this year, 2023.