New Call of Duty 2021 Name and Logo Leaks on

The new Call of Duty game releasing this year from Sledgehammer Games has made an appearance on [...]

The new Call of Duty game releasing this year from Sledgehammer Games has made an appearance on through a logo and a new name. It's being referred to at least in some fashion as "Call of Duty: Slipstream" with a logo which some have perceived as one that invokes the World War II themes the new game will employ. It's worth noting, however, that both he logo and the name could and likely will change before the game's release.

There's nothing to play or even interact with really when it comes to the Call of Duty: Slipstream listing on It was spotted on the Blizzard service and can be seen through things like BlizzTrack which keeps up with all of Blizzard's games on the platform. Whatever Slipstream is, it's encrypted, so good luck trying to figure out anything else about it from the listing alone.

Given that the game's encrypted, many have been led to believe it's some sort of alpha or a similar test for the new Call of Duty game. If that's the case, it's even more likely that we'll see the name change in the future. Activision has held different tests for its Call of Duty games in the past under names other than what the games themselves ended up being called when they released, so it follows that Slipstream may not be the actual name of the game. It's got a logo already, however, so perhaps we'll see Sledgehammer and Activision stick with that after all whenever the new Call of Duty game is released later this year.

Regardless of what it'll be called, the fact that it's appeared on in some way is a positive sign for those eager to learn more about the game. If this is indeed an alpha, it'll probably be extended first to pros, streamers, and related audiences before expanding beyond those demographics and into the hands of the public. Even if it is limited to certain content creators and the like at first, that content will trickle down eventually so that people can at least see the game. Those events might still be some time away, but having the game on with some activity around it is a good start.

The new Call of Duty game is expected to release this year and does not have a release date nor a confirmed name.