Prepare to take on the seas once more in the gorgeous new trailer released for Sea of Thieves to see the stunning visual adventure that waits in beautiful 4K quality.
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The team behind the latest pirate adventure released some new footage about the highly anticipated upcoming title to give fans a taste of what’s to come. From incredibly crisp areas tempting that adventurer spirit, to shipwrecks and vicious waters – the latest Sea of Thieves trailer offers much to get excited about.
Travel the open seas, soak in the beauty of the gorgeous sunset, and prepare for intense sea battles! The latest video shows off “Top 10 Things You Need to Know About Sea of Thieves … So Far.” The sneak peek gives an in-depth look at the shared world while showing the importance and value of playing with friends. Create your own legend in pursuit of bountiful loot and more as the game progresses.
One important point made in the latest trailer is something that has been a hot topic in the gaming world recently: cross-playabilty. Sea of Thieves is confirmed to be cross-play compatible between Windows 10 and Xbox One, making it easier to traverse the open sea with friends.
Sea of Thieves is expected to release in early 2018 for Xbox One, Xbox One X, and PC.