Nintendo Switch Online Reveals Newest Free Game Trial

Periodically, Nintendo Switch Online subscribers are given the chance to check out free game trials as part of their subscription. This month, subscribers get access to Don't Starve: Nintendo Switch Edition. Starting on December 15th at 10 a.m. PT, the full version of the game can be accessed, and will be available through December 21st at 11:59 p.m. PT. If players fail to finish the game over the next week, they can always choose to purchase it, and all save data will be carried over. Don't Starve normally retails on the eShop for $19.99. 

Nintendo's Tweet announcing the new trial can be found embedded below.

For readers unfamiliar with it, Don't Starve is a survival game where there are plenty of things that can kill the protagonist, Wilson. As its title implies, players must keep Wilson well-fed on his journey, and stave off insanity as the harsh realities of the game's world take their toll. Nintendo Switch Online's trials are included in all subscription plans, so the Expansion Pass is not a requirement. Players that enjoy the game can always check out the DLC, as well. Don't Starve: Hamlet Nintendo Switch Edition is available on eShop, but is not included as part of the trial.

It's interesting to see how Nintendo continues to expand its trial offerings! For gamers that might not have been otherwise interested in Don't Starve, or might not have even known about it, this trial is the perfect opportunity to try something new. The eShop has a lot of games, and it can be easy for even the best ones to get lost. These trials grant a spotlight on titles that might have flown under-the-radar, and could lead to players discovering a new favorite. Just last month, subscribers to the service also got to try out The World Ends With You: Final Remix. Hopefully we'll continue to see more exciting offerings into next year!

Are you a subscriber to Nintendo Switch Online? Do you plan on downloading the trial for Don't Starve: Nintendo Switch Edition? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!