Nintendo Switch Pro Name Reportedly Revealed

There have been rumors of a new and upgraded Nintendo Switch console for well over a year, and [...]

There have been rumors of a new and upgraded Nintendo Switch console for well over a year, and these rumors often refer to the premium, powerful machine as the Nintendo Switch Pro. However, it looks like the console could actually be called the Super Switch or Super Nintendo Switch, or at least that's what some speculation making the rounds suggests. Right now, Nintendo hasn't announced a new Nintendo Switch model, but the Internet has had plenty to say about the rumored machine.

Over on Twitter, a Brazilian journalist who goes by the name "PH Brazil" on the social media platform, recently suggested the next Switch revision will not be called the Nintendo Switch Pro, but the Super Switch, which certainly makes more sense in the context of Nintendo's naming tradition and patterns.

Unfortunately, PH Brazil doesn't divulge much else of consequence about the machine, but as you may know, this isn't the first time the name "Super Switch" has been thrown around. Last year, insider Tyler McVicker referred to the next Switch model as the Super Switch.

As always, take everything here with a grain of salt or two. Not only is nothing here information of the official variety, but it's also subject to change. As the saying goes, things change in game development all the time, and this implies with marketing as well. Further, it's unclear how much here is inside knowledge versus speculation.

At the moment of publishing, Nintendo has not commented on any of the information above and it's unlikely it will. Not only does it maintain a very strict "no comment" policy when it comes to information of the unofficial and speculative variety, but it hasn't commented on a single Nintendo Switch Pro rumor yet.

That said, if Nintendo does provide a comment, we will be sure to update the story accordingly. In the meantime, for more coverage on all things Nintendo and all things Nintendo Switch -- including all of the latest news, rumors, and leaks -- click here or check out some of the relevant and recent links below: