Nintendo Was Once Making A Horror Game Starring The Legend of Zelda's Tingle

What a horribly strange world we live in where a grotesque, ghastly, and reprehensible monster [...]

tingle zelda

What a horribly strange world we live in where a grotesque, ghastly, and reprehensible monster such as Tingle not only exists, but is celebrated.

Realizing Tingle for the abomination onto the world he is, Nintendo apparently almost made a horror game starring the little guy. Yes, that's right, Nintendo was once making a horror game starring Tingle. Let that sink in. Nintendo, the creator of some of the world's best video games to ever embrace the medium, was making a Tingle horror game.

Thankfully, it cancelled whatever that monstrosity was going to be. And the world is a better place for it.

News of the cancelled project comes way of Nintendo producer Kensuke Tanabe, who said the following while speaking in an interview with Kotaku:

"Looking back eight years ago, we were developing a horror game with Vanpool that starred Tingle as the main character, but that project was canceled due to a variety of reasons."

A variety of reasons, you don't say?

Tanabe doesn't go into any further detail on the project, which will likely be lost forever to history in some computer files somewhere (fingers crossed).

While I may possess an acceptable blind hatred for Tingle, the character actually has, somehow, a fanbase that appreciates him. He debuted as part of The Legend of Zelda series, via The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, and has since made subsequent appearances in Zelda games. He has even stared in numerous of his own games, such as: Freshley-Picked: Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland for the Nintendo DS, Tingle's Balloon Fight also for the DS, and in Dekisugi Tingle Pack.

All games you're better off for not knowing they exist.

Nintendo has created some wonderful characters that have captivated audiences for years – Mario, Link, Samus, and of course Waluigi – but Tingle undermines all of that prolific history. Dare I say, Tingle is worse than Yoshi. Actually, nope, even Tingle isn't that bad.

Will we ever get another Tingle game? I sure hope not. But you never know – 100 Tingles all drop out of a plane, anybody?

If you want, you can read more about Tingle here. That's a joke. Don't click that!