Behind-the-Scenes Look at 'CookieWatch', the Greatest 'Overwatch' Story Ever Told

Back in May, Blizzard celebrated the 2-year anniversary of their hit FPS Overwatch with a cheeky [...]

Back in May, Blizzard celebrated the 2-year anniversary of their hit FPS Overwatch with a cheeky "Trace and Bake" stop-motion video that featured Reaper and Tracer fighting over a cookie. It was hilarious and a really creative way of celebrating the game's anniversary, and now the team is showing interested in fans a unique behind-the-scenes look at what went down during its production process.

Stop-motion cinematography looks cool, but there's a lot more to the process than many might think. The adorable video was created by Justin and Shel Rasch and the video above shows them creating this hilarious snippet right from the comfort of their own home.

The animation team also took to the video to add in some spiffy special effects as the video shares how some of them came to be - even the more clever tricks that are a bit surprising.

The best part of this behind-the-scenes look is how sushi became the "genesis" of this concept. Justin mentioned on-screen how he often eats at his desk (feels, bro) and on one particular day, his Reaper statue arrived and was just creepily watching him eat his fishy food. From there, an idea was born and the above video brought its magic to the world.

Michael Chu, Lead Writer for Overwatch, also weighed in saying that those the characters stayed true to their in-game counterparts, they were a slightly more bubbly version of their usual selves. Chu even called CookieWatch an "echo" of the game we know and love.

Regardless of the characters and how they differ from the popular online game, this video was perfect and a phenomenal way to celebrate a beloved gaming experience.

What did you think of the Overwatch stop-motion video? Should Reaper lighten up a bit, or is Tracer just too bubbly? Join in on the conversation in the comments section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy!